"About this matter, after you see Xin Moge, ask him yourself. I believe he has found out more information than me. I only know a little bit, and I don't know if it's true." Regarding this As for the question, Yu Yun's expression darkened, he hesitated to speak, and finally said nothing.

Feng Yu frowned slightly, seeing the expression on Yu Jun's face, she couldn't ask any more questions.

About half an hour later——

Yu Mo grabbed the medicine and brought back a medicine jar.

Feng Yu checked them one by one, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, she and Yu Mo set up a fire in the dilapidated house and boiled the medicine.

Yu Yun sat and watched, and leaned against the wall to rest after drinking the medicine made by Feng Yu and Yu Mo.

It was getting late, and after being tired all night, Feng Yu and Yu Mo put out the fire to avoid being discovered by the guards outside who were still searching for their whereabouts, and each found a place to rest against the wall.


Early the next morning, the sky was slightly white and the morning mist filled the air.

After waking up, Yu Yun adjusted his breath slightly, and found that his body was much better, and the black on his palm had disappeared. Then he looked around, but he didn't see Yu Mo's figure, only Feng Yu was leaning on the opposite wall still asleep.

The temperature in the morning is still cold.

Yu Jun got up, walked towards Feng Yu, took off his coat, bent down and put it on Feng Yu's body.

"No need, I'll come." A voice suddenly came from behind Yu Yun at this moment, especially indifferent and abrupt in the quiet and cold morning.

Startled, Yu Jun looked back reflexively, only to see a man dressed in white appearing at the door.If he hadn't made a sound, he wouldn't have noticed it at all.Yu Yun couldn't help squinting, how did he find this place?Although he has never met Xin Moge, Yu Yun knows and is sure of the identity of the person who came.Immediately after realizing it quickly, Yu Yun straightened up while taking back the coat that was about to be put on Feng Yu's body, and said, "Mr.

"Master Yu, thank you for taking care of my wife. Now, it's all right."

Yu Jun nodded and went straight out.

Since Fengyu became pregnant, she has been a little sleepy, and she was exhausted last night, so she was not awakened by the sound at this moment.

Xin Moge walked over, took off his coat and put it on Feng Yu, so that Feng Yu would not catch a cold.Because he was worried, he rushed over overnight and had just entered the city at this moment.

After a while, Xin Moge went out, and saw Yu Jun standing with his back facing him, hands behind his back, standing in the broken courtyard, when passing by just now, it was not difficult to see that Yu Jun seemed to have something to say to him, "Yu Jun Son, I don't know what you want to say?"

"Last night, the person you sent to meet Yu'er turned out to be Yu'er's killer. I don't know what explanation Mr. Xin has for this?"

Xin Moge frowned, not knowing about it yet.The dozen or so people he sent out to meet Feng Yu were all personally arranged by him, and they were kept secret, no one should know, "Young Master Yu said this, so where are those people who are there now?"

"There is only one, and he died of poison, and his body has turned into a puddle of poisonous pus and blood." Yu Yun turned around.

Xin Moge frowned again, "I will investigate this matter as soon as possible."

"Until you investigate clearly, until the truth of this matter is revealed, you cannot take her away." The calm and still voice, but with a hint of indescribable toughness, Yu Yun is not joking, but serious .

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