Spoiling His Wife Too Much: The Miraculous Doctor, Princess Concubine

Chapter 626 Intimacy Between Husband and Wife 9

The knock on the door suddenly sounded out of place at this moment, especially in the silent night.

Xin Moge was displeased and ignored it.

Feng Yu quickly pushed Xin Moge, pushed Xin Moge away slightly, tried hard to make her voice sound normal, and asked outside: "What's the matter?"

"Young master, there is news from the prince." The person who knocked on the door immediately reported respectfully.

Feng Yu heard the words, and quickly looked at Xin Moge.

Xin Moge stood up, straightened his slightly messy coat, put down the curtain on the bed, opened the door and went out.

A while later, when Xin Moge came back, Feng Yu in the room had already dressed and was about to go out to have a look, "What news? Is your father okay now?"

"The news came back said that he is now in Dongheng Mountain, and the specific situation is not clear." Xin Moge said, and sat down on the chair by the table.

Feng Yu pulled the chair next to her and sat down beside Xin Moge, "Why don't you rush over to have a look right away?"

Xin Moge didn't speak, his face was a little dark under the dim candlelight.

Feng Yu stretched out her hand to hold Xin Moge's hand, and it was not hard to feel something from Xin Moge's expression, she hesitated and said, "This matter is really related to your mother?"

Xin Moge's mother, Shangguan Feihong, had passed away when Xin Moge was very young.As we all know, Xin Haoyan really loves Shangguan Feihong very much.Now that something like this happened, although it was a great thing that Shangguan Feihong might still be alive, everything was so confusing. Why did she fake her death back then?After so many years, why never show up?Using a letter to lure Xin Haoyan out, so that Xin Haoyan's life and death are still uncertain. I don't know what her intentions are. It makes people feel as if they have fallen into a huge trap.

But at this time, a "traitor" appeared beside Xin Moge, and everything came together.

Is it a coincidence?Or is someone deliberately manipulating it behind the scenes?

Gradually, Feng Yu's complexion also darkened, waiting for Xin Moge to make a decision.

Xin Moge held Feng Yu's hand with his backhand, put Feng Yu's hand in his palm, and said after a long silence: "If the other party really wants to harm my father, more than half a month is enough time, even now Hurry over immediately, I believe it is already too late. If the other party just wants to threaten my father, then there is no need to rush." ​​While speaking, Xin Moge's eyes flashed a glint of coldness.

Fengyu clearly felt that Xin Moge's hand tightened obviously, "Then what do you mean?"

"I want to open the coffin for an autopsy first." After a slight pause, Xin Moge added, "The two of us will go together, without bringing anyone with us."

Feng Yu nodded, but, "What about the prince? If he can't wait and is in a hurry, you leave at this time..." I have to consider this point, worrying that if something happens to Cang Yueli, I will treat Xin The palace will be even more unfavorable.

"He always puts safety first in his actions. Without sufficient preparation and absolute certainty, he will not act rashly."

"If this is the case, if you leave at this time, and your father is not around, it means that he has temporarily lost a powerful arm. Well, without further ado, we will set off overnight..."

"Young master, it's too bad. Outside are all shadow guards sent by the emperor, and they have surrounded the entire mansion." Suddenly footsteps came from outside, followed by an urgent voice, which interrupted Feng's speech. Yu's words.

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