"Wait!" Hearing Xin Moge's tone, and seeing Xin Moge walking out, the middle-aged man sitting at the top asked to keep him.

Xin Moge continued to walk out without stopping, and finally stood at the bow of the ship.

Feng Yu followed and walked out.

The surface of the river is sparkling and calm at first glance.But Feng Yu knew that this was only on the surface.

Not long after, the middle-aged man sitting at the head of the cabin also came out, still holding the dancer with revealing clothes in his arms, and took a step back and said: "Okay, let's talk about your conditions. But, before talking , you'd better figure out your own current situation first. When you leave here, there are people chasing and killing you everywhere."

"I won't bother you to 'worry' about this point." Xin Moge replied without looking back.

"Let's talk about your conditions, what are you willing to hand over Hua Xunse?" Those two human-skin-masks were all stolen by Hua Xunse and brought to the Central Plains.Naturally, middle-aged men cannot easily let Hua Xunse go, together with Feng Yu and Xin Moge, they will not let it go easily, but recently, Hua Xunse seems to have suddenly evaporated from the world, no matter how hard you look for it, you can't find it .

"I want to get rid of two people right now, as long as you get their heads, I will hand over Hua Xunse to you."


"One is the emperor Cang Jingtian. The other is Cang Yueyu who is now in the imperial mausoleum. Whenever you give me the heads of these two people, I will hand over Hua Xunse to you. If not, you will never even think about finding flowers again in this life."

"Don't you think that you are a little too whimsical?" The middle-aged man couldn't help but sneered.

"If you can't find Hua Xunse, I believe it will be difficult for you to explain to your adults?" Xin Moge turned his head back and sneered back.

The face of the middle-aged man suddenly changed, and he squinted his eyes, "How do you know?"

"Is this important?" Xin Moge asked back.

The eyes of the middle-aged man narrowed even more. It was his first time in the Central Plains, and he had almost never shown himself before, so no one would recognize him.

In fact, he has already calculated this matter step by step. In the situation where the other party is surrounded by all sides, let Bai Yan send the invitation card, making the other party mistakenly think that there is room for negotiation and change. If they are smart, they will definitely come forward. Come to the appointment, at that time, he only needs to detain the two of them, and then force Xin Moge to hand over Hua Xunse, and he can easily bring the three of them back to their orders.But now it seemed that he still underestimated the person in front of him a little bit.

It would be really difficult for him to explain to that person if he didn't bring Hua Xunse back to that person for his own disposal, and if he didn't bring back the two people in front of him together.

After thinking about it for a while, the middle-aged man——Su Yin, decided to hold Xin Moge temporarily before saying, "Okay, I can promise you. However, in case you go back on your word, or after I send someone to take Cang Jingtian and After Cang Yueyu's head, and you didn't show up, you must stay here and not go anywhere."

"Yes." Xin Moge agreed very simply.

"Those two, please enter the cabin, let's sit down and talk 'slowly'."

Xin Moge nodded and re-entered the cabin.Feng Yu's eyes fell on the calm lake again. Xin Moge's words just now were not so much about negotiating conditions with the middle-aged man, as they were intentionally sent by Cang Jingtian who was hiding under the water at the moment. The shadow guard listened.

As the saying goes, "Use the spear of the son to attack the shield of the son"!

At this time, they are surrounded by enemies, so, it is better to lead Cang Jingtian's people to deal with people from the Western Regions. Once they both make a move, she and Xin Moge will have two less people to deal with them. It will be a lot easier all of a sudden.

Of course, Cang Jingtian's shadow guards would appear here, which was arranged by Xin Moge early in the morning and deliberately attracted.

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