"Okay, I'll go right away. Miss, I'll be back soon." Su Ke nodded, took the kettle and turned to look for water.

Soon, there were some strange rustling sounds in the carriage compartment.

Su Ran was startled, and immediately got up and walked over to have a look.

In the compartment—

Cang Yueli, who also hadn't slept all night, started to suffer from Wushisan. It was as if tens of thousands of ants were gnawing on his whole body. Stone powder.

"Prince, what's the matter with you?" After confirming that the veil on her face was firmly on, Su Ran entered the carriage and asked Cang Yueli.

"Five stone powder, give me five stone powder, quickly...give it to me..." Cang Yueli, who heard the voice, suddenly turned around, grabbed Su Ran's wrist, and pulled Su Ran into her arms.

"No...no. Prince, there is no Wushi powder here, and you can't inhale Wushi powder anymore. It's not good for your health..." Su Ran suddenly understood what was going on, and said hastily.

"Give me five stone powder, give me..." At this moment, Cang Yueli's eyes were red and bloodshot, and he couldn't listen to anything, and stared at Su Ran.

Su Ran struggled for a while, but did not struggle out, "Prince, you really can't suck five stone powder anymore."

"Don't worry about it, give me five stone powder right away, right away..."

"I do not have……"

"Give it to me, don't give it to me again, do you believe that I will kill you?"

Accompanied by the words, Cang Yueli's other hand suddenly grabbed Su Ran's neck, and an obvious murderous look flashed in his eyes.

Su Ran was not frightened by Cang Yueli.On the contrary, not only was he not frightened, but he also felt distressed by Cang Yueli's appearance at this moment, so he raised his hand involuntarily, touched it, and caressed Cang Yueli's side face.

"Prince, don't do this, as long as you endure, you will be able to get rid of Wushisan."

"Prince, once you lose, it doesn't mean you will never recover. I believe you will be able to make a comeback in the future."

"Prince, you have to cheer up, you must cheer up, you have to believe in yourself."


Both eyes were red and bloodshot, staring at Su Ran closely, Cang Yueli, whose mind had been gradually eroded by Wu Shi San's drug addiction, under Su Ran's words one after another, the murderous look in his eyes gradually dissipated, and was replaced by a trace of wavering .

Su Ran went on to say: "Prince, you still have your mother, you don't have nothing."

"Prince, your mother is still trapped in the palace, she is still waiting for you to save her, you must persevere and not give up."

"Prince, you can, you can, I believe you..."


As Cang Yueli listened, the wavering in his eyes became more and more obvious. At the same time, his mind was gradually pulled back, and he looked at Su Ran who was wearing a blue veil in front of him.Why did she say such things to him?Why should you be so nice to him?Why?No!Can't believe it, he can't believe it, can't believe it.He has nothing now, and she must have other plans for being nice to him, it must be!

Thinking of this, the wavering in Cang Yueli's eyes was instantly replaced by coldness.

"Ahem..." Su Ran couldn't help coughing as she felt the hand clasped around her neck suddenly becoming tighter and tighter.

"Say, I'll give you one last chance. What's your purpose? If you don't tell me, don't blame me for killing me."

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