Cang Yueli's hand touched, started to go down all the way, then turned to caress Su Ran's naked body.

Su Ran, who looked numb and motionless, trembled for a while, then trembled again... After Cang Yueli's hand touched between her legs, stimulated by the pain between her legs, she finally reacted and pushed her away suddenly. Cang Yueli got up on hands and feet, ran forward stumblingly, trying to escape from here.

Cang Yueli strode to catch up with Su Ran, grabbed Su Ran's wrist from behind, pulled Su Ran back forcefully, and then pushed Su Ran to the ground, then leaned over Go up, press Su Ran under him, quickly separate Su Ran's legs with his hands, then push hard into Su Ran's body again, and gallop on Su Ran's body.

" let me go. Cang Yueli, you let me go..."

"Cang Yueli..."

This is the first time that Su Ran has called Cang Yueli by name and surname. He beat Cang Yueli's chest like crazy with both hands, randomly grabbed the dead leaves and soil on the ground, and threw them on Cang Yueli's face. .

While pressing Su Ran, Cang Yueli continued to gallop in Su Ran's body, while holding Su Ran's wrists that hit him, beat him, and threw dirt and dead leaves at him, and pressed Su Ran's wrists against Su Ran's body. On the top of the head, Su Ran was restrained so that he could no longer move.

Su Ran was in great pain, struggling and unable to struggle, gradually, tears flowed down the corners of her eyes and down her hair, she was as embarrassed as she wanted, "Prince, don't, please don't..."

"Prince, Cang Yueli, please let me go, let go..."

Cang Yueli's mind was completely confused, his eyes were bloodshot, and he didn't respond to Su Ran's crying.

After a long time, Su Ran's voice became hoarse and her strength was exhausted. She remained motionless, her eyes staring blankly at the sunlight penetrating from above.

After Cang Yueli once again vented in Su Ran's body, her red eyes gradually became in focus, her mind began to return slightly, and the stiffness that had softened under her body withdrew from Su Ran's body, her eyes fixed on the corners of Su Ran's eyes On the remaining teardrop, the hand involuntarily touched it.

He waited by the carriage, and after waiting for a long time, Su Ran didn't come back. Su Ke, who was really worried, looked for Lin Zi.

When Su Ke saw the situation in the forest, Su Ke almost fainted. She couldn't believe her eyes. She instinctively covered her mouth with both hands, and managed to suppress the exclamation. Then she reacted quickly Come over, pick up a boulder on the ground with both hands, rush over, smash Cang Yueli on the head with all his might.

Cang Yueli, who had just begun to recover slightly, kept her eyes fixed on the teardrop in the corner of Su Ran's eye without moving, did not pay attention to the surrounding situation at all, and did not realize that Su Ke, who was holding a boulder and ran close, was suddenly smashed by Su Ke When he stood upright, blood gushed out and covered his eyes, and he fell down as soon as his eyes darkened.

After Cang Yueli fell down, Su Ke still kept hitting Cang Yueli's head with big rocks, again and again, ruthlessly, just wanting to kill Cang Yueli immediately with her own hands.

Blood kept spilling from Cang Yueli's head, and then all flowed on Su Ran who was under Cang Yueli.Su Ran, who was staring blankly at the sun seeping down from above, was drenched in blood, and touched it numbly with his hand, and then raised it to his eyes after being soaked in blood.

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