"It's nothing, it's just some 'little things'." Xin Moge replied lightly.

Feng Yu obviously didn't believe it, but seeing that Xin Moge didn't seem to want to say more, she stopped asking and sat down opposite Xin Moge.

"What do you want to eat? I'll ask the maid to do it." Xin Moge changed the subject and asked.

"I'm not hungry yet, let's eat later."

"Alright." Xin Moge nodded.

"By the way, news came back last night that Cang Yueli has woken up, how is he doing now?" Suddenly thinking of this, Feng Yu asked Xin Moge, wondering if Cang Yueli would have any sequelae after waking up , or something is wrong, do you want to go and have a look at it at night, after all, he hurt his head, and it was so serious.

"Don't worry, since you're already awake, you'll be fine." Xin Moge's tone was light, and he didn't say much.

At the same time, on the other side, in the small courtyard, in the simple room——

Opening her eyes last night, Cang Yueli woke up suddenly, touched her head covered with layers of gauze and frowned deeply, she didn't remember at all what she did to Su Ran when the five stones were emitted, and she couldn't remember how she got hurt But I still remember everything else clearly. I sat on the bed expressionlessly, thinking about how to get rid of Su Ran and Su Ke, and decided in my heart that Su Ran definitely had other plans. Maybe there were many people following behind him. , he must have a long-term plan in order to successfully leave.

Su Ran was not prepared for Cang Yueli's sudden waking up, and almost ran away. After knowing that Cang Yueli didn't remember what happened in the forest, she was relieved, otherwise she really didn't know how to face Cang Yueli .However, even if Cang Yueli doesn't remember, Su Ran can't continue to face Cang Yueli. After all, what has happened is like the annual rings carved on the tree stump, which can never be changed or erased.

The two of them, separated by a wall, thought for a whole night in their respective rooms.

At noon, Su Ran already had a decision in his mind, so he asked Su Ke to go to Cang Yueli's room together, and calmly said to Cang Yueli: "Prince, since you are awake and you are fine, let's go."

"Miss Su, I remember you seem to have said that I can leave when I get to a safe place, right?"

Two sentences, overlapped together, almost in unison.Su Ran nodded, trying to maintain a calm and calm look on the surface, and said in an unchanged tone: "Yes, I did say that at the beginning. But Prince, you were injured and just woke up, it's better not to bump around, or Stay here and rest for a few more days, it should be safe here, Ke'er and I will leave immediately and won't disturb you."

Cang Yueli squinted at Su Ran and Su Ke, not knowing what they were planning, and did not speak.

After Su Ran finished speaking, it seemed that there was nothing else to say, and after asking Su Ke to leave most of the money on her body to Cang Yueli, she and Su Ke turned around and left.

Cang Yueli got up, stood by the window and watched Su Ran and Su Ke leave. She didn't look away until she could no longer see Su Ran and Su Ke. She turned her head to look at the small stack of banknotes and pieces of silver on the table, slightly After pondering, he picked up the banknotes and coins on the table and left the small courtyard.

On the street, Su Ran and Su Ke who had left walked slowly.

After Su Ke hesitated to speak for a few times, she finally asked Su Ran in a low voice: "Miss, where are we going next? Back to Su Mansion?"

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