"Of course I also bring it. Don't worry, I will take good care of him, and this matter is settled." The words were crisp and clear, and Feng Yu had made up her mind and would not change it.

Seeing Fengyu's insistence, Xin Moge thought about it, then compromised and said, "Okay, let's go together."

Early the next morning—

After having breakfast together, Feng Yu took Xiao Xiaoyun and Xin Moge into the carriage and headed for the Erin Mountains.

Along the way, Xin Moge told the driver to slow down, he was not in a hurry, he tried to be as steady as possible, he didn't want to bump into Feng Yu and Xiao Xiaoyun in Feng Yu's arms.

Xiao Xiaoyun lay in Fengyu's arms, her eyes rolled around curiously, she was in good spirits.

Three days later.

The carriage stopped outside the Erlin Mountains.

The driver who drove the car was Xin Moge's secret person, he opened the curtain and waited for Xin Moge and Feng Yu to get off.

After Fengyu got off the car, she first looked around, and then looked at the mountains ahead.The first time I came here, at first glance, it seemed that it was no different from other mountains, at least on the surface.

Two people came up quickly, and one of them immediately reported the situation to Xin Moge.

Xin Moge walked forward slowly while listening.

Feng Yu followed.


It is night, the moon and stars are rare, and the stars are bright.

On the halfway up one of the mountains, outside a wooden house, Feng Yu hugged Xiao Xiaoyun and sat down on a wooden chair beside the wooden table, looking up at the night sky.

In a few days, enough Xin Moge's people built a wooden house here temporarily, waiting for Xin Moge to come.

Xin Moge sat down opposite Feng Yu and didn't speak.

"According to the current situation, I believe that within a few days, the person behind the scenes will definitely appear. Cang Jingtian can't afford the time, and neither can he. Are you worried that that person is really your mother?" Feng Seeing that Xin Moge's face was gloomy and silent, Yu couldn't help but speak.

Xin Moge still didn't speak.

"Don't think too much, it won't be too late after the identity of that person is confirmed." Feng Yu said again, reaching out to hold Xin Moge's hand on the wooden table.

Xin Moge held Feng Yu's hand with his backhand.

The next day, the sky was bright, and Feng Yu, who was not used to sleeping here, woke up early and found that there was only Xiao Xiaoyun who was sleeping soundly beside her, and there was no sign of Xin Moge. Ge had already got up earlier than her, and when he walked out, the fresh air came rushing towards his face in an instant, and the clouds and mist shrouded in front of him, he felt as if he was in a fairyland isolated from the world, which made people feel refreshed.

After breakfast.

Feng Yu was taken along, and walked around the mountain, wanting to know more about this place.

When she walked to the entrance where she came in yesterday, Feng Yu re-evaluated the surrounding environment, and said to Xin Moge: "I will write some prescriptions later, and you can find a way to help me prepare the medicine as soon as possible. When the time comes, walk in from the intersection and sprinkle a medicine at intervals according to what I said. Each medicine is colorless and tasteless, but if you smell it one by one in order, it will be combined into a highly poisonous one. When the time comes, wait for them It was too late when I found out. In addition, I will give you the antidote, and you let everyone take it in advance."

This method is excellent!Xin Moge's people nodded quickly after hearing this.

Two days later.

After preparing the medicine and ordering someone to sprinkle it according to her instructions, Feng Yu checked it herself in case someone made a mistake.

Outside the mountains, four masked men in all black clothes carried a soft sedan chair with one hand and flew towards this side using lightness kung fu. When they were approaching the entrance, they fell from the sky like falling from the sky, followed by a large group The masked man in black who was also dressed in a grand manner seemed to want to level the entire mountain in one fell swoop.

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