"It's okay, it's just a small injury." Xin Haoyan spoke calmly, and when he finished speaking, he couldn't help but coughed a few times in a low voice.

Feng Yu naturally didn't believe it, and was very worried.

After a while, Feng Yu, who managed to condense a sliver of internal energy, finally managed to break through the acupoint regardless of her own safety, and walked towards Xin Haoyan in three steps at a time.

The wound was so deep that the bones inside could almost be seen, but luckily no bones were injured.

Feng Yu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, quickly tore off a piece of cloth from her clothes, and bandaged Xin Haoyan's wound.

After Feng Yu bandaged his wound, Xin Haoyan quickly walked towards Shangguan Feihong who was still unconscious on the seat, "We must leave here immediately."

Of course, Feng Yu also knew this.And from the two consecutive shocks just now, it can be known that the second group of hidden guards has successfully left.

Feng Yu immediately searched for the secret room where she was now, to see if she could find any mechanism to open the stone door.When the person from the imperial tomb who came to report just now came in, the stone door was always open, and the three of them closed it after they went out, as if they had never seen anyone open the stone door from this secret room.

Xin Haoyan also joined in the search immediately, so he had to hurry up.

Not long after--

The vibration came again, twice in succession as before.

Xin Moge, who was always looking for a way out, and the hidden guard who was with Xin Moge, naturally also sensed it, and immediately searched for the marks left by the second group of hidden guards, and prepared to press the second group of hidden guards. The mark left by Wei goes out.


The palace above ground.

Several people from the imperial mausoleum had gathered in the brightly lit hall, all dressed in black clothes, with black masks on their faces.

The man from the royal tomb who injured Xin Haoyan's left arm with a dagger hurriedly came up from below, while looking outside at the pale sky, he angrily shouted at the waiting people: "What's going on? How could people come out?"

The person waiting in the hall lowered his head and carefully replied: "Return to the chief executive, we were careless for a while."

The person in the imperial tomb who injured Xin Haoyan's left arm with a dagger, his surname was "Xi" and his first name was "Zhuo". Since he entered the imperial tomb that year, he has never stepped out of the imperial tomb. What was it called? A face that hadn't seen the light of day since then repeated coldly with displeasure: "A momentary carelessness?"

Several people hung their heads lower and did not speak.

"Don't they know that Xin Moge and Feng Yu are still trapped below? How dare they blow up the imperial tomb?" Xi Zhuo said again.

"Returning to the chief executive, we didn't believe it at first, but it's true."

Xi Zhuo frowned.

"Director Xi, we must stop them immediately, otherwise, if this continues, the imperial mausoleum will be damaged." Seeing Xi Zhuo's silence, one of them boldly reminded in a low voice.

Xi Zhuo's natural way, but Xin Moge and Feng Yu are still trapped below, what exactly did Xin Moge want to do when he gave such an order?If you rush to order without knowing this point, you may be fooled by Xin Moge.

"Director Xi?" The man reminded again in a low voice.

"You immediately take ten people out to stop them, no matter who they are, shoot them to death." The vibration came again, Xi Zhuo didn't allow him to think too much, Xi Zhuo ordered coldly, no matter what, stop it first.

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