The maid did not dare to disobey, so she could only take Feng Yu there.

As Fengyu walked, she had a panoramic view of what she saw on the road and the situation in Li Wangfu.

"Concubine Xin, the queen is in that yard right now." After a few turns, the maid stopped and pointed forward.

Feng Yu withdrew her gaze and looked in the direction the maid pointed. From a distance, she saw that the gate of the courtyard pointed by the maid was full of people. After nodding to the maid, she let the maid continue to lead the way.

The queen scolded, the sound of smashing things, the sound of turning over the table... All kinds of sounds were intertwined, and they came more clearly as the distance got closer.

The people gathered at the gate of the courtyard were obviously not here to watch the excitement. Some of them had obvious injuries on their faces, and there was some fear in their eyes. They pushed back to let others in, and shrank back obviously.Seeing Fengyu coming all the way, he had never seen Fengyu before, and looked suspiciously at the maid who led the way.

The maid leading the way hastily introduced Feng Yu's identity to everyone.

"I have met Concubine Xin Shizi." After the maidservant introduced, everyone saluted Feng Yu one after another.

Feng Yu nodded, "You stay here, and no one is allowed to come in without my order. I have something to say to the queen alone." After speaking, Feng Yu walked directly into the courtyard door and walked to the queen's room.

The room seemed to be in a mess after a big battle.

Several maidservants knelt on the ground trembling, their faces and bodies were already covered with large and small wounds.

Feng Yu stepped in, and a vase came towards Feng Yu's face.

Feng Yu caught the vase with quick eyes and hands.

"Who are you? Get out... Get out of here right now... I don't want to see anyone..." The angry scolding sound followed, the voice was hoarse and exhausted.

Feng Yu bent down and put the vase on the ground, then straightened up and looked forward, and saw that in the extremely messy room, the woman in front of her who was smashing things and swearing angrily was even more messy, with long hair scattered in a mess, a pair of Stepping on the ground covered with broken porcelain with bare feet, blood flowed horizontally, the whole person looked hideous and terrifying, with blood still dripping from the corners of his lips, as if he was about to eat people, his whole body looked like a lunatic.

"I tell you to get out... I tell you to get out, do you hear... get out... get out right away..."

There was one sound of cursing after another, and all kinds of things that could be thrown continued to be thrown over.Feng Yu caught them one by one, letting the maid who was kneeling on the ground go out first.

The maid who was kneeling on the ground had never seen Feng Yu before, and did not know Feng Yu's identity, but Feng Yu's words were like life-saving straws to them at this moment, and they desperately got up from the ground without caring about anything else, rushing forward. I ran out quickly, afraid that I would be half a minute too late.

Seeing this, the queen—Qi Muxue became even more furious.

Feng Yu understood Qi Muxue's mood at the moment, stood at the door without moving, and patiently watched Qi Muxue continue to vent.

Qi Muxue scolded and smashed things, but no matter what she threw at Fengyu, she couldn't hit Fengyu. In the end, she exhausted her strength and almost smashed everything in the room. On the ground of broken porcelain, tears flowed down uncontrollably.

Feng Yu walked over slowly, knelt down in front of Qi Muxue, took out her silk handkerchief and handed it over.

Qi Muxue pushed Feng Yu's hand away, not wanting to be seen by others, and shouted at Feng Yu: "Get out... get out..."

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