Qi Muxue looked at herself in the mirror, swallowing all the tears in her heart, a smile slowly appeared on her face, noble, elegant and generous.

Feng Yu watched, she knew that the former master of the harem, Qi Muxue, had returned, "Queen, then rest first."

"No, come with me to the ceremony." There was an inherent sense of command in the voice.

Feng Yu hesitated slightly, "But, your feet?"

"What's the pain? If you don't walk around now, how can you participate in Li'er's enthronement ceremony tomorrow? How can you congratulate Li'er on becoming emperor? Isn't this what you want?" Of course Qi Muxue would not pretend to be sentimental Feng Yu came here specially to help her and relieve her, and everyone knew that purpose, so there was no need to explain it too clearly.

Feng Yu smiled, "Since the queen doesn't care, then I will accompany the queen for a while."

"Don't add me to the queen, you can call me the queen mother instead, I don't mind being called a day earlier." Qi Muxue stood up, pushed Feng Yu's hand away without Feng Yu's help, and walked forward by herself.Every time she took a step, the wound on the sole of her foot opened up, and the pain deepened, and the more painful it was, the bigger the smile on Qi Muxue's face, she clenched her teeth and told herself that today's blood would never be shed in vain.

Cang Yueli's courtyard is obviously larger, more luxurious and magnificent than other courtyards.

There are nine bends and eighteen bends in the courtyard, and there is a separate lake.The surface of the lake is sparkling and crystal clear, with groups of fish swimming around constantly, and an attic is built facing the lake.

When Feng Yu accompanied Qi Muxue to arrive, Cang Yueli and Xin Moge were in the attic near the lake, and all the servant girls were standing outside the yard, similar to those who stood outside Qi Muxue's courtyard before, trembling with fear All with a hint of fear.

After Fengyu asked the maidservant, she and Qi Muxue entered the courtyard and went directly to the attic near the lake.

Downstairs in the attic near the lake, Feng Yu and Qi Muxue heard the sound of tables being turned over before they stepped on the stairs.

"Don't go up, I can go up by myself, I want to be alone with Li'er for a while." Qi Muxue said while stepping up the stairs.

Feng Yu nodded, turned around and went out, waiting for Xin Moge on the corridor facing the lake outside the attic.

After a while, Xin Moge came down.

Feng Yu looked back, and when Xin Moge approached, she asked Xin Moge, "How is Cang Yueli?"

"He's not a fool, he knows how to choose in the end." Xin Moge looked at Feng Yu and replied.

"Then you turned over the table just now?" Feng Yu asked again.

"He knows how to choose, and he already has a choice. Just because of this, he has no face to face Qi Muxue and vent his anger." Xin Moge's tone remained unchanged, he never expected Feng Yu to be able to persuade Qi Muxue.From the moment Qi Muxue appeared to when he came down and saw her here, how could he not know what happened.

Feng Yu felt relieved.Although she knew that Xin Moge should be able to persuade Cang Yueli, she still went to find Qi Muxue just to share the burden for him, and now this situation cannot be missed.

A hidden guard came in a hurry at this time, and quickly reported to Xin Moge: "Young Master, Cang Yueyu has arrived, and it is in Picheng, not far from Xicheng."

Hearing this, Feng Yu looked at Xin Moge, only to see Xin Moge's face darken slightly.

"I see." Xin Moge said indifferently, ordered the hidden guards to step down, continue to monitor closely, and report immediately if there is any situation.


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