Feng Yu walked faster and faster by herself, and after walking for a while, after making sure that no one was following, she quickly sent a signal to recruit the hidden guards who were closely monitoring and protecting King Fan.

Those hidden guards were nearby, and they appeared in front of Feng Yu in the blink of an eye, "Young Madam, what orders do you have?"

Feng Yu didn't want to waste time, so she asked succinctly: "I just cleaned and bandaged King Fan's wound, and found that his wound didn't hurt the vitals. It shouldn't be bleeding so much, and the pulse shouldn't be so weak. I suspect there is something wrong with it." Question. You have been following and monitoring all the way, but have you noticed anything unusual? Also, about the process of encountering the assassin, let me listen to you and tell me about it in detail.”

Several hidden guards were obviously stunned, but they quickly realized that one of them replied: "We have indeed been following along the way, and we have never left. While Wang was cleaning his wound, a large number of men in black suddenly appeared." The dark guards who were hiding in the dark actually saw everything just now, but they didn't show up to meet Feng Yu. After all, their mission was to Secretly monitor and protect King Fan, "King Fan's people were defeated, and King Fan was also injured, so we immediately rescued each other. After the man in black was dealt with, King Fan was strictly protected by his people in the middle. However, We did see with our own eyes that King Fan was covered in blood, his face was pale, and he was in danger, so we immediately sent someone back to report to the young master."

"That is to say, from the beginning to the end, you only saw that he was injured and covered in blood, but you didn't actually see where he was injured?"

The dark guard nodded.

"What's so special about those men in black?" Feng Yu asked again.

"Nothing special." The dark guard shook his head.

Feng Yu frowned.

At this time, there was a sound of vague footsteps.

Feng Yu and Anwei heard the sound, and reflexively raised their heads to look in the direction of the sound.

I saw a dark guard running towards this side staggeringly, covered in blood, leaning on the blood-stained sword in his hand like a crutch.

Feng Yu's complexion changed instantly, she hurried forward to meet her, stretched out her hand to support the guard and asked, "What's going on?"

The secret guard who reported to Feng Yu, and several other secret guards who showed up to meet Feng Yu immediately stepped forward together.

"King Fan's soldiers suddenly...suddenly attacked us. We...we didn't know when...we were poisoned, and we became powerless as soon as we exercised. The other...other brothers have...already..." The body slammed With a fall, all the sounds stopped abruptly.

Feng Yu didn't expect that the dark guard would suddenly collapse completely, without any support, she quickly squatted down to feel her pulse, the dark guard was no longer breathing.

At this moment, the complexion of the secret guard who reported to Feng Yu just now changed again, and said eagerly to Feng Yu: "Young Madam, you go first."

Feng Yu looked up, and saw a large number of soldiers rushing from the direction of the dark guards, and the leader was Fan Yi.

They followed Feng Yu all the way out of the city in secret. They showed up to fend off the black-clothed assassins before, and then hid again and followed Feng Yu here. Madame, let's go first."

Feng Yu nodded, but she still couldn't figure out King Fan's real purpose, what exactly King Fan wanted to do, she had to tell Xin Moge about it as soon as possible.

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