"I'm not kidding you, it's just that I'm not going to give it to Xin Moge for this millennium snow lotus. Besides, I'm not going to give it to Xin Moge, and I don't allow anyone to give it to him. If you want him to live so much, I must Let him die." There is a thousand-year-old snow lotus but he can't be sent to the prison for Xin Moge, so what?Cang Yueyu couldn't figure out what she was feeling in her heart at the moment, she was very annoyed, angry, and uncomfortable, which she had never felt before.

Hearing this, Fengyu looked at Cang Yueyu's expression again, and suddenly sneered, "Cang Yueyu, are you jealous?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Feng Yu's unreasonable feeling was cleared up, and Cang Yueyu suddenly woke up. Could it be that he was jealous?Seeing her and Yu Yun on the street, seeing her talking and laughing with Yu Yun, he felt very uncomfortable.Seeing her trying her best to save Xin Moge, seeing her venture into the Valley of the Poison King to get the thousand-year-old snow lotus, seeing her covered in injuries but ignoring her only desire to return to Beijing immediately, he felt even more uncomfortable, and was so angry that he wished to destroy the thousand-year-old snow lotus And killing Xin Moge with his own hands, it turned out that everything was...jealous?Cang Yueyu was suddenly a little embarrassed, a feeling that he didn't even understand was exposed by a single word, and he instinctively wanted to cover up, and he scolded out of embarrassment.

Of course, Fengyu would not really think that Cang Yueyu was jealous. A man who traded "her" for the antidote a few days ago and wanted to kill her suddenly became jealous of her. He would deliberately say this just to annoy Cang Yueyu, so he could ask the reason, and immediately took advantage of the situation and quickly asked, "Then tell me, why?"


"Why, can't tell? Prince Yu, are you really jealous?"

After Cang Yueyu uttered the word "I", there was no more to say, Feng Yu frowned faintly, and immediately spoke with a more emphatic tone.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm jealous? A joke!" Cang Yueyu denied it with a loud voice, clenched his hands under his sleeves into fists.It's not that I haven't seen her before, but every time I see her, there is nothing special except that she is a little more beautiful than other women.Later, when I met Feng Wan and learned from Feng Wan that she was such a vicious and hateful woman, I hated her so much in my heart that when she went to change the antidote and left her that day, he didn't give a damn. hesitate.But after that, her calmness, her composure, her wit, her boldness in the cabin, each person in the boat with their clothes fluttering away, that figure was implanted in his mind unknowingly, a little bit of ignorance. Unknowingly attracting him, making him unforgettable, why didn't she let him see her unique side in the past?For a few days, even though she was still the vicious and hateful woman Feng Wan said, he treated her step by step...

"Aren't you really jealous? Then why did you do this, Prince Yu?" There was an undisguised mockery in the corners of his brows and eyes, and Feng Yu provoked Cang Yueyu again.

"This is my business, you don't need to know. Leave the millennium snow lotus to me, and you are not allowed to mention 'Xin Moge' again." Cang Yueyu could see the look on Feng Yu's face clearly, and her heart became more and more embarrassed. Able to cover up his strangeness with a vicious voice.

After several times of asking but couldn't find the reason, it seems that Cang Yueyu is determined not to speak!Feng Yu obviously frowned, and clenched the brocade box in her hand, fearing that Cang Yueyu would directly snatch it away, and then had no choice but to resume her threat: "Cang Yueyu, don't forget..."

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