"No need, I've already arrived here, I can go back by myself. Besides, now that so many people are suddenly drawn out of the city to support them, you must not have enough manpower here, and you must make adjustments as soon as possible to continue monitoring the people entering the city. Remember , stop being careless."

"Yes." The dark guard took the order.

Feng Yu walked out of the alley after the dark guards left, glanced around, and went straight to the direction of the palace.

In the city, people come and go, and it is already very lively.Feng Yu was dressed in ordinary clothes, just like when she entered the city, she didn't attract anyone's attention.

"Hey, how did you walk? What are you doing so fast? You bumped into someone." Suddenly, a displeased and angry voice came from not far in front of Feng Yu.

Feng Yu glanced in the direction of the sound, she didn't pay much attention at first, it must be that someone accidentally bumped into someone, it's a trivial matter, but when Feng Yu was about to look back, Feng Yu inadvertently A glimpse of a very ordinary figure hurried past the noisy crowd.

The person who walked by had an unusually pale complexion.

Fengyu had seen that kind of paleness before, and was somewhat familiar with it. She was from the imperial tomb!

Feng Yu was stunned, and quickly left a mark on the outer wall of the shop next to her, and followed the figure that hurried forward in front of her quietly.

I believe that the person who saw Cang Yueyu with his own eyes at this time and this place is very likely to report to Cang Yueyu, to see Cang Yueyu, and following him is very likely to discover Cang Yueyu's whereabouts and location. It is impossible to miss it.

Because the guards inside and outside the city are getting stricter, and there are people sent by Xin Moge to watch in the dark. If you wear black clothes and mask your face like before, no matter how careful you are, you can't guarantee that you will not be discovered, so the people in black Hui changed his appearance, used this method to sneak into the city without showing any trace, and reported to Cang Yueyu.No matter how tightly guarded and monitored, there are places where there is a hundred and one sparse, no matter how cautious or careless, Feng Yu's footsteps are covered by all kinds of noises on the street, plus so many people, the man in black is not in the slightest. He noticed Feng Yu who was quietly following behind him.

As Feng Yu followed, she kept leaving marks along the way, believing that the hidden guards would soon find out and follow.

After going around for a long time, the man in black who changed his appearance went around to the back of a restaurant, entered the restaurant from the back of the restaurant, and went straight to the private room on the third floor.

Feng Yu followed, standing on the stairs and seeing the other party enter the private room, she backed away silently, ready to leave.

The two floors of the second and third floors were taken by Cang Yueyu after the soldiers inspected them early in the morning.

On the first floor below, there are many people, and the second and third floors seem to be very quiet, almost no one is there.

When Feng Yu had just taken the first step back and was about to take the second step back, Feng Yu vaguely heard a voice coming from the private room, and heard the words "Fan Wang, Xin Moge", so her steps couldn't help but move Dayton, stopped.

In the private room, the man in black, who had changed his appearance, closed the door with his backhand, and then reported to Cang Yueyu who was sitting.

"My lord, King Fan's place, as expected, directed and acted out an assassination scene, pretended to be seriously injured, and sent people back to mobilize a large number of soldiers and horses, and they will arrive in a short time. Also, Xin Moge We have left the city now. The subordinates wait until Feng Yu is caught, so let her escape."

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