After thinking about it for a while, one inadvertently got stabbed in the arm again. King Xi hurriedly backed away in pain, he was so embarrassed that he had no strength to resist any more, and he took the lead in replying loudly to Luo Yuan on the tower: "My king... This king knew he was wrong, and... regretted it, regretted it very much."

"Where are the other princes?" Luo Yuan looked at the others.

"Don't bully people too much!" Fan Wang was angry, and cut a soldier of Cang Jingtian in two with his backhand.At this time, Xin Moge and Li Wang asked them such questions in public, forcing them to answer, almost forcing them to step on their dignity, hateful, hateful, and despicable, which is tolerable.

The other vassal kings were originally persuaded by King Fan and his cronies, and it was only a matter of time before and after. The Tao is the most important thing to save their lives. King Xi has already said it, so they should stop insisting, anyway, they are not the first to succumb .

Luo Yuan listened to the answers of all the vassal kings, and sneered at King Fan, "King Fan, it seems that you are not wrong."

Fan Yi and Fan Ji, who were protecting King Fan, were full of resentment, trying to stabilize King Fan, "King Fan, you must never say that you are not wrong, we are all right, once you say it, you will never be able to lift it up." Here we go."

A group of people in the imperial mausoleum disguised as Fan Yi and Fan Ji's subordinates, mainly self-defense, and did not kill Cang Jingtian's army, at most, they stabbed Cang Jingtian's army sometimes. Let it be seen.After hearing what Luo Yuan said, he knew that Luo Yuan should have been ordered by Xin Moge and Li Wang to release all the vassal kings back to the city, but he still didn't know what to do for a while.Do you want to find a way to notify General Xu as soon as possible so that General Xu will not be fooled?Or take advantage of the opening of the city gate and the vassal kings rushing into the city, take the opportunity to fight back against the vassal kings and the soldiers who came out to rescue, so that the army can attack the city?

Xin Moge's hidden guards had already put on the armor of ordinary soldiers, and continued to hide in the dark without taking any action. They mainly paid attention to the every move of the vassal kings and the people brought by the vassal kings to see who had any abnormalities. Finding that Ning killed a hundred without missing a single one, he took the opportunity to solve it in one fell swoop.

The other vassals had no choice but to keep lobbying King Fan.

Luo Yuan waited for a while, and after confirming that King Fan really refused to speak, he had no choice but to give up, and made a secret gesture with his hands behind his back.

Behind Luo Yuan, on the steps to the tower, the person who had been prepared for a long time rushed over when he saw Luo Yuan's gesture, held Luo Yuan with his sword, and threatened all the soldiers on and off the tower to open the city gate quickly. Let the princes outside the city come in.

All the soldiers on and off the tower froze, and were a little dumbfounded for a while, not knowing what was going on, let alone how to react.

Luo Yuan immediately shouted loudly to the people downstairs outside the city: "Tell General Xu for me, this is just a little conflict between me and him, Cang Yueli, Li Wang and Xin Moge are still in my hands, what can he do?" If you can’t do it to me, I ask General Xu to strictly guard the outside of the city and wait patiently for me for three days. After three days, I will definitely settle everything in the city, and then open the city gate to allow General Xu to enter without a single soldier.”

After finishing speaking, Luo Yuan was quickly pulled down the tower by the hostage behind him, and disappeared from the sight of everyone outside the city.

Everyone outside the city was dumbfounded for a moment, not knowing what was going on.

After getting off the tower, the person holding Luo Yuan immediately let go of Luo Yuan and retreated to the side.

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