Xin Moge directly pried open Fengyu's mouth and drove straight in. The hand around Fengyu's waist kept tightening, and kept holding Fengyu towards him, while the hand on Fengyu's collarbone was stroking all the way down. Go down, caress the softness of Fengyu's chest, then stroke Fengyu's flat abdomen, push away the obstructive clothes that Fengyu is clutching tightly in front of her with both hands.

Fengyu's body was still very weak, and she didn't have much strength all over her body. After trying hard a few times, she still couldn't catch the clothes in her hands. She quickly slid to the side along her body, and sank slowly after sucking the water in the pool. into the pool.

The candle lighted on the table, the candlelight permeated through the translucent screen, coupled with the pervasive white mist, the light behind the screen seemed dizzy, invisible like a hazy tulle.

"Don't..." After a long time, Feng Yu, who was panting, blushing and heart beating, finally managed to utter a word.

Xin Moge didn't seem to hear it, the kiss fell along Fengyu's face all the way to Fengyu's neck, and then fell from Fengyu's neck to Fengyu's collarbone, branding a series of unique kisses on Fengyu's body. trace.

Feng Yu half turned around and pushed Xin Moge, trying to avoid Xin Moge's kiss, and then said: "Don't..."

"Who told you to take a bath at this time." Xin Moge raised his head, temporarily suppressing the lust that had arisen in his body.But even so, both hands still maintained the posture of holding Feng Yu from behind Feng Yu, so that Feng Yu could not leave her whole body in his arms, panting slightly beside Feng Yu's ear, there was obviously a trace of distress in her voice The words are strangely dull.

Feng Yu tried hard to calm her breathing, "I haven't bathed for so many days, I really feel a little uncomfortable, I won't hurt my left foot."

Xin Moge remained silent, his bottomless black eyes were deep and dark, the hand that was stroking along Feng Yu's body all the way stopped on Feng Yu's right thigh, and his fingertips gently stroked the skin there.

Feng Yu blushed, and wanted to push Xin Moge's hand away. You must know that she was completely naked at this moment, almost naked in front of Xin Moge, "Let me go, let me get up."

Xin Moge didn't move, the breathing on Feng Yu's face and neck was obviously heavy, and it was burning hot.

Feng Yu gradually felt something, but in this situation, according to her current body, of course they can't... Afraid that if this continues, something will happen, Feng Yu hastily pushed Xin Moge again, trying to get rid of the set aside The clothes that had been taken off earlier covered his body again.

But when Feng Yu pulled the clothes over with great difficulty, she was pushed away by Xin Moge's hand again, and slipped into the pool beside her like the previous one.

Xin Moge looked at Feng Yu's body, she was very thin, her skin was flawless, delicate and smooth, like a piece of fine jade, it seemed that she had never looked at her so carefully like this moment for a long time.Damn Cang Yueyu actually hurt her foot and crippled her martial arts. When he caught him, he would have to break his legs and ask him to repay her twice.

Feng Yu was embarrassed, and covered her important parts with her hands, "Don't look, you..."

The following words stopped abruptly again, and were once again swallowed by Xin Moge's kiss.Xin Moge's hand around Feng Yu's waist changed to provoking Feng Yu's chin, causing Feng Yu to raise her head to face him. The hand that was caressing Feng Yu's leg slipped slightly and landed between Feng Yu's legs.

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