"By the way, Cang Yueyu has not been caught yet. He is now trapped in Licheng, which is the best time to catch him. He must not be allowed to escape. I wonder if Crown Prince Xin can do anything about it?" After determining the method to deal with the tens of thousands of troops outside, the vassal kings began to ask questions about Cang Yueyu. If Cang Yueyu could be captured alive, they could use Cang Yueyu to threaten Cang Jingtian. Everyone knew that Cang Yueyu How much Jing Tian valued Cang Yueyu's son.

Cang Yueli also wanted to catch Cang Yueyu, so she looked sideways at Xin Moge and waited for Xin Moge to answer.

"Leave Cang Yueyu to me, you don't have to worry about it, I have my own way to catch him, and I won't let him take half a step away from the city. In addition, I hope you don't ask or interfere in the issue of how to deal with Cang Yueyu. "Speaking of Cang Yueyu, Xin Moge's complexion sank slightly, but when he looked carefully, it seemed that there was no change, and the tone of his speech was completely informing and notifying. The feudal king is not allowed to intervene.

The other vassal kings looked at each other, it seemed that Xin Moge wanted to capture Cang Yueyu to avenge Feng Yu, they are now in Liwangfu, even if they wanted to intervene, there was nothing they could do, and they couldn't help but pinch Cang Yueyu in their hearts Cold sweat, it seems that Cang Yueyu will not end well.

Cang Yueli pursed her lips.

When Fan Yinqing in the Fan Army camp outside the city received an order from inside the city, knowing Xin Moge's method of dealing with the besieged army, he couldn't help but praise him.

Yes, this is indeed a very good way!This Xin Moge really has means, no wonder her father King Fan and other feudal lords will be defeated by him.

Thinking of this, the white figure and the scene in the courtyard of Li Wangfu yesterday flashed across Fan Yinqing's mind. He walked around the tent alone and thought for a while.By the way, I heard that he seems to be looking for the blood lotus.The blood lotus was extremely difficult to find, but she did have one in her hand, which was accidentally obtained back then.

After thinking about it, Fan Yinqing sent someone back to fetch the blood lotus, even if he sold favors to Xin Moge.


From the palace, in the courtyard where Feng Yu lives.

After Xin Moge was invited by the servant, Feng Yu stayed in the room alone, thinking of any way to make her left foot recover faster.

Although the wound I cut open with a nail was deep and serious, and it bled so much, as long as I took proper medicine and recuperated carefully, it would heal in about ten and a half months.Mainly the broken leg bone, it is not easy to recover, so don't be too impatient, Feng Yu didn't think of rushing before, but now she suddenly hopes to get better soon.

When the maid came in, Feng Yu had just written a prescription, and asked the maid to take and decoct the medicine according to her prescription.

The maidservant knew that Fengyu was good at medicine, so she nodded and accepted the order, and immediately took the prescription to do it.

Days passed peacefully for two days.

On the third day, night fell.

Fan Yinqing then entered Li City and Li Wangfu.

King Fan was alone in his room, cleaning his weapons.

Fan Yinqing knocked on the door and walked in, looked at King Fan and called out, "Father King."

King Fan was a little surprised, and was taken aback for a moment, "Why did you come here suddenly? Did something happen outside?"

"No, everything has been safe and sound for the past few days. There are only a few small forces in the imperial army who want to break out from time to time, so there is nothing to be afraid of. The other armies are still standing still, waiting for the arrival of reinforcements." Fan Yinqing replied.

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