The attic has three walls, one side is ventilated, and faces the artificially dug lake in the courtyard. Standing in the corridor, you can clearly see the lake below, the scenery downstairs, and the scenery in the distance, and you can also look up at the moon and stars.

Of course, the rainy night is the same color at this moment, there is no full moon and no stars.

Xin Moge stood still, looked at Cang Yueli and Fan Yinqing and said with a smile: "The emperor and Fan Shizi are really in a good mood."

Cang Yueli also smiled, holding a half-drunk wine cup in his hand, "I almost thought that you would not come, Mr. Xin, please sit down quickly. Come here, and bring a pot of wine."

"If the Emperor and Fan Shizi still want to persuade you, then I won't sit down, and I won't bother you, so as not to spoil the elegance of the two of you." Xin Moge put his words first, not wanting them to bring up Cang Yueyu's matter.

Cang Yueli and Fan Yinqing glanced at each other and recognized it.

Cang Yueli was silent for a moment and then said: "Well, tonight we will only talk about Fengyue and nothing else."

Fan Yinqing nodded, and stretched out his hand to make a "please" gesture to Xin Moge.

The maidservant at the side immediately stepped forward to pour wine for Xin Moge.

Xin Moge walked over and sat down.

Cang Yueli laughed again and said: "Just now, I talked with Fan Shizi and talked about the scenery of Fancheng, it is a good place. Xin Shizi, if the sky is open, how about we go and see it together?"

"It seems that the emperor is in a good mood, we will see the situation at that time." Xin Moge replied after taking a sip of wine.

Fan Yinqing also laughed, with a relaxed tone, "The scenery in Fancheng is indeed good, and there are outstanding people there. It is indeed a good place. Maybe someday, when the tens of thousands of imperial troops outside the city are settled, the emperor can take a look. Let's go take a look together."

Cang Yueli nodded, "Not bad."

Xin Moge didn't answer.Fan Yinqing specifically mentioned Fancheng. If he was thinking about how to get King Fan to go back to Fancheng, he should forget about it.

Cang Yueli turned around and said: "By the way, I heard that Shizi Fan has not married yet, nor has he taken a concubine, and he doesn't even have a confidante around him, but his vision is too high, and he doesn't look down on ordinary vulgar fans? "The last half of the sentence obviously carried a hint of ridicule and ridicule. Cang Yueli looked at Fan Yinqing in front of him, and saw that he was young and promising, with a dignified appearance, and he wanted to have a good appearance and an identity. It is indeed curious that there is no woman around.

Fan Yinqing smiled, she was a daughter, so it was impossible for her to get married, and it was also impossible to deliberately meet a confidante, it had nothing to do with vision.

Facing Cang Yueli's curious gaze, as if she really wanted to hear her answer, Fan Yinqing cleverly turned the topic to Cang Yueli herself, and asked Cang Yueli, "Then what about you, Your Majesty? You are several years older than me, and you don't have a woman by your side yet, but you didn't like it?"

When Cang Yueli heard the words, for some reason, Su Ran's figure suddenly flashed across his mind, wondering how Su Ran is doing now?Where are you hiding at this moment?

Regarding Su Ran, actually Cang Yueli himself couldn't tell how he felt. He clearly wanted to hold her by his side as a pawn, to threaten Su Hu, but invisibly, he treated her differently. Especially when she ran away and disappeared, he really wanted to get her back.What about her?Was she treating him because she liked him, or for some other reason?If you like it, why run away?

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