"If you want to seal these properties, without me doing it, Licheng will be in chaos. Once it is in chaos, it will not be easy to clean it up. Xin Moge, please remember, there is no other way but me Let her know that what she thinks is definitely not the truth. For her, I have done this, how about you? Even such a small request from her refused to agree. In addition, you should not look at her because I And you should blame her for the sake of letting Cang Yueyu go. On the contrary, you should thank her. Also, I didn't mean to threaten. I never thought about it from the beginning. I don't want us to come to this point at all. Both sides will suffer. I'm not good to you or me. That's all I have to say, how do I make a decision? I believe that you are a smart man, Shizi Xin. I will wait another three days and say goodbye." Yu Jun cupped his hands, turned and left, "By the way, I What you want is Cang Yueyu who is safe and sound, without any injuries up and down, you must not send someone with missing arms or legs, or someone with only half life left."

Xin Moge's hands under the sleeves were already clenched into fists, he knew that Yu Yun was not bluffing, he could really do what he said.

The Yu family has always been as rich as an enemy country, and in the hands of Yu Yun, it is even worse. Their power spreads all over the world, and Yu Yun has made friends in the world.But his Yu family, and his Yu Yun have never had the ambition to seize power, so they have hardly revealed their family background.For so many years, Cang Jingtian has used the family to win over the family, and at the same time has been on guard against and secretly investigated the family, but nothing has been found.When Cang Jingtian knew that he was saving Feng Yu, and knew that he was facing him head-on, he only detained Yu Yun and put pressure on his father, but did not dare to search Yu's house or kill him.

Yu Yun!All along, he is the one who cannot be underestimated the most.

As he said just now, he could have directly threatened him to let Cang Yueyu go, but he chose to go to see Fengyu and ask him to let him go through Fengyu, trying to make this matter as simple as possible.For Feng Yu, he really put his heart into it.


It was already night when we returned to Li Wang's Mansion.

In the brightly lit room, there was a table full of various medicinal materials, and Feng Yu was concentrating on dispensing the medicine by herself.

The maid knocked on the door and entered, and stood at the door and told Feng Yu: "Concubine Xin, Shizi Xin is back."

Feng Yu didn't speak, nor did she look up at the maidservant, and continued to focus on dispensing the medicine.

The maid stood for a while, then turned and walked out.

After Feng Yu prepared all the medicines, she put the medicines into the round stone bucket one by one, and smashed the medicines one by one.

Afterwards, after adjusting her position, Feng Yu raised her injured left foot with both hands, and placed it straight on the chair in front of her. Yinzhen began to inject needles on herself, only wanting to heal her feet as soon as possible.As for the abolished martial arts, I will find another way after my feet are healed.

After more than an hour, the servant girl knocked on the door again and came in, telling Feng Yu: "Concubine Xin, Prince Xin has returned to the study."

Feng Yu still ignored it.

Late at night, Feng Yu fell asleep alone, still the same as the previous few days.

Three days later, Xin Moge suddenly ordered to send Cang Yueyu out of the city, but this matter was very secret and no one knew about it. At the same time, he asked the dark guard to bring a sentence to Yu Yun, so that Yu Yun had better keep it in mind, "He The final decision to hand over Cang Yueyu to him was not because of his threats, he hoped that he would never see Fengyu again from now on. In addition..."

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