"Take a few people with you right away, and go see too. Don't let anything happen to Cang Yueli, and keep him safe." After hearing this, Xin Moge frowned like King Li. At that time, he should have sent two secret guards to follow Cang Yue all the time. polite.As for Fan Yinqing, he doesn't care about his life or death.

The dark guard led the order to go down.

Feng Yu frowned, "Is there anything wrong?"

"It's just such a mountain forest, so many people have already gone, I believe there will be news soon." Xin Moge replied.

Feng Yu nodded, Cang Yueli and Fan Yinqing both know martial arts, so protecting themselves shouldn't be a problem.In addition, right now there should be no more people from Cang Yueyu inside or outside the Li city, so it is relatively safe, and they will not encounter any assassins in the future.

time flies.


The people sent out by King Li still haven't found the whereabouts of Cang Yueli and Fan Yinqing, nor have the hidden guards.

The next morning, just like last night, Cang Yueli and Fan Yinqing were still not found.

Li Wang came to look for Xin Moge early, and wanted to go and see for himself with Xin Moge.

Xin Moge nodded and went with Li Wang.


Feng Yu hugged Xiao Yun'er and sat in the yard, teasing Xiao Yun'er while waiting for the news from the secret guard that Xin Moge had gone with Li Wang in the morning and has not come back yet.

A dark and handsome figure walked around the outside of Li Wang's mansion, found a dog hole in a wall and entered Li Wang's mansion, successfully avoided the busy maids and servants who were busy going back and forth in the mansion, and finally let him find Feng. Yu lived in the courtyard, peeking in through the arched door of the courtyard.

Feng Yu vaguely sensed the sound, and looked sideways reflexively.

The figure outside the arch hastily retracted his head.

A hidden guard suddenly appeared at this moment, and the sharp sword in his hand was placed on the opponent's neck.

Heibuliuqiu's vigorous figure immediately launched an attack, turning around like a tiger and leopard, and pounced on the hidden guard who held him with a sharp sword, regardless of the sharp sword on his neck.

The dark guard hastily withdrew his hand, quickly withdrew the sharp sword in his hand, and then tapped the opponent's acupuncture points as fast as lightning.As expected of a savage, he only knows how to fight back. If he was too slow to withdraw his sword just now, he would have wiped his neck.

Hei Buliuqiu's figure was none other than the savage Feng Yu met in the forest yesterday.

After the dark guard touched the wild man's acupuncture points, he carried the wild man into the yard and came to Feng Yu, "Young Madam, my subordinates were careless and didn't notice him slipping into the mansion."

Feng Yu looked at the savage in front of her in surprise, she didn't understand why he came here, and how did he find him?How did you get into the mansion again?Even the hidden guards didn't notice it immediately.

The savage who was tapped on the acupoints looked at Feng Yu motionlessly, his eyes filled with panic.

After Feng Yu looked up and down, she suddenly saw half of the lanyard protruding from the savage's tattered clothes out of the corner of her eye.

The lanyard, Feng Yu felt vaguely familiar, hesitated for a moment, and stretched out her hand to pull out the lanyard.

A piece of jade pendant fell out as the lanyard was pulled out.

Feng Yu looked at it, of course she knew it, this jade pendant was the one she brought yesterday when she went hunting, and she found it was gone when she came back, but because it was just an ordinary jade pendant, it was only worth a few dollars, so she didn't care about it , Lose it and lose it.

Now, the jade pendant fell out of the savage in front of him, and he suddenly appeared here, did he come here specially to give the jade pendant?

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