At the beginning, when Cang Yueli was rescued from the capital, Su Ke was with her.

When Su Ke came back, just like she was then, she was immediately caught by Su Hu.Su Hu was about to beat Su Ke to death in front of her.

She begged left and right, and in the end she didn't hesitate to threaten her own life, but Su Hu finally thought about the love between father and daughter, so she reluctantly spared Su Ke's life.However, even so, Su Ke has been beaten half to death, and has not yet woken up.

During the day yesterday, Su Hu, who hadn't seen her for a long time, suddenly appeared and told her that he wanted her to marry Ge Mingqi.

She didn't agree, and she wouldn't agree anyway.

Later, Su Hu threatened her with the unconscious Su Ke, and if she really refused, he would kill Su Ke immediately.

She had no choice but to nod.However, fortunately, she and Ge Mingqi knew each other. Ge Mingqi was a gentleman and treated her very well, treating each other with courtesy.

From the moment Su Ran was forced to agree, she had already decided to meet Ge Mingqi in the new house. After she and Ge Mingqi were alone, she would explain everything to Ge Mingqi. Ge Mingqi opened his mouth and asked Ge Mingqi to go to Su Hu to bring Su Ke over.

How could Su Hu not know what was going on in Su Ran's heart? Wouldn't Su Hu not know that Su Ran wanted to escape, so she had already sent a clever and obedient maid as a dowry? While waiting for Ge Mingqi alone in the new house with Su Ran, her maid secretly poured the love potion into Su Ran's tea, and let Su Ran drink it.I believe that when the raw rice is cooked, Su Ran should settle down.


Inside the fiery new house.

Ge Mingqi hadn't come back yet, he was still drinking with the guests in the front hall, only Su Ran and the dowry maid were there.

Since Su Ran was imprisoned, she hadn't eaten well, and today she hadn't had any water or rice all day, and she was both thirsty and hungry.

The dowry maid, Su Zi, according to Su Hu's order, secretly poured a love potion into the tea, then gave it to Su Ran, and said to Su Ran, "Miss, you must be thirsty? Drink some water first, my lord." I guess it will take some time to come back, drink some water and it will be fine."

Su Ran was not suspicious, and never thought that Su Ran would give people a love potion, so she took the tea from the dowry maid Su Zi, took a sip under the hijab, and still did not quench her thirst, so she poured the whole cup of tea After drinking it all, he handed back the empty teacup to Su Zi, "Go out first, I'll wait here alone."

"Yes, the servant is leaving. If Miss has any orders, just call the servant. The servant is waiting outside." Su Zi nodded, turned and went out, and gently closed the door.

After Su Ran heard the sound of closing the door, she slowly lifted the red hijab on her head. Before that, she never thought that she would get married in this way, or even thought of getting married, because she always only had Cang Yueli in her heart , and she always knew that it was impossible between her and Cang Yueli.

Now, she has given up on Cang Yueli.

Su Ran closed her eyes and didn't want to think about it any more. She just wanted to save Su Ke and ask Ge Mingqi to let her go. I believe Ge Mingqi would agree.

Ge Mingqi married Su Ran because he liked her, and he was in a good mood to drink with the guests in the front hall.In addition, his father, Ge Muyao, wanted to take this opportunity to let him know more about the ministers in the court, so he even toasted them cup by cup, drinking a lot without knowing it.

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