Cang Yueli's complexion changed, and almost instinctively, he hurriedly slapped the guard of the dungeon who was whipping the executioner across the air.

But Cang Yue saluted quickly, and the whip fell even faster.

The moment the whip fell on Su Ran mercilessly, accompanied by the sound of skin being torn apart, the guard of the dungeon who swung the whip for execution slammed into the side wall in embarrassment, and Su Ran immediately fell down with a bang. He fell down and fell motionless at Ge Mingqi's feet.

"But...but how are you doing?"


Ge Mingqi also didn't expect that Su Ran would rush up. Seeing Su Ran who fell down, he hurriedly called out again and again, feeling extremely worried in his heart, he struggled with all his might, trying to break free from the chains.

Cang Yueli shook off the teacup in his hand, got up and strode over.He wanted his servant to let her go, all he wanted was for her to come to him and kneel down to beg him, but she rushed forward so recklessly and without hesitation, did she care about Ge Mingqi so much? "Wake up, wake up for me... Did you hear what I said..."

"Cang Yueli, let her go, everything has nothing to do with her, you come at me..."

Ge Mingqi, who was struggling hard, saw Cang Yueli coming forward to squat down and shake Su Ran, he immediately spoke in a cold voice, and a murderous look flashed in his eyes.

Cang Yueli heard this, then looked at Su Ran who had passed out in front of him, looked at the shocking bloodstain on Su Ran's body, suddenly couldn't stop replaying the scene of Su Ran rushing forward in his mind over and over again.Well, well, they are really a husband and wife, one is always protecting, and the other is desperate.

The next moment, Cang Yueli withdrew the hand shaking Su Ran's body, got up quickly, flicked his sleeves, walked back to the position just now, sat down again, and ordered with a blank expression, "Wake her up."

The whip-wielding executioner who hit the wall couldn't even figure out what was going on for a moment. After hesitating for a while, he scooped up a spoonful of cold water from the wooden bucket beside him and poured it on Su Ran's head.

Su Ran trembled all over in an instant and woke up.

"Come here, pull her aside and continue the execution. The soldering iron should be red hot, right?" Cang Yueli said again.

"Yes, it's already red." The executioner threw the spoon in his hand back into the barrel, then picked up the burnt iron on the charcoal stove, and approached Ge Mingqi step by step.

"No, don't..." Pulled aside by the servant, Su Ran's head was covered with water and his clothes were getting wet. He couldn't restrain his trembling. Seeing that the iron was getting closer and closer to Ge Mingqi, he was completely awake in an instant. Coming over, he couldn't stop shaking his head desperately, and kept struggling, wanting to rush forward again, he couldn't imagine what would happen if the soldering iron really fell on Ge Mingqi.

"Your Majesty, please, please let him go..."

"Your Majesty, if you want to kill me, kill me. It has nothing to do with him. Let him go..."

"I promise, I promise you everything..." The words of pleading followed by involuntary blurting, one sentence after another.Su Ran's mind couldn't stop flashing those unbearable scenes at the beginning, those pictures made her suffocate and collapse, but now she is the one who compromised herself, and tears flowed down uncontrollably, "What am I really I agree..."

"However, I don't know what conditions he put on you, but no matter what the conditions are, you must not agree. Otherwise, I would rather die."

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