As soon as Su Ran's acupoints were released, his whole body collapsed powerlessly on the cold ground.

Ever since she woke up yesterday and begged Doctor Wu, she has been waiting here for Feng Yu to arrive, and she believed that Feng Yu would come.

And she wanted to see Feng Yu and wanted to beg Feng Yu, not for other reasons, only for Ge Mingqi, and she only wanted Ge Mingqi to be fine.

But I kept waiting, but I couldn't wait for Feng Yu's figure.

Not long ago, Su Zi, who was walking back and forth in the room, suddenly said that she would find a way to go out at night and look for it herself.She nodded after hearing this, and then waited for Su Zi to come back.No matter how angry or hated Su Zi was before, at least at this moment, Su Zi is the same as her, that is, to find a way to save Ge Mingqi.

But Su Ran never expected that Cang Yueli would come suddenly and open the door all of a sudden.

She hadn't seen him since she passed out in the dungeon the day before yesterday, and he never showed up.

Su Zi couldn't move for a long time, she was stunned.

"Why, you don't understand what I said? Well, come here, drag it out..."

"Listen... I can understand, this servant can understand." Su Zi hurriedly interrupted Cang Yueli, but she still didn't know what to do.

Su Ran lay limp on the ground and was also unable to move for a long time.After Cang Yueli came in, he strode towards her with an ugly face, pulled her up from the bed, said that she was very capable, and he just didn't pay attention, so she sent out the maid beside her.

She trembled, shuddered, and frightened, trying to break free from his hand, and rolled off the bed when her body became unstable.

Afterwards, a servant came in to report that Su Zi was back, so Cang Yueli touched the acupuncture points on her body, not letting her move or making a sound, and after a while, Su Zi opened the door and came in.She could hear everything Su Zi said clearly, and Cang Yueli could hear it clearly too.At this moment, Su Ran felt a little regretful.In fact, after she rescued him from the capital, she should have left as soon as possible, so that today would not be the case.But in that way, she could still love him silently in her heart and hide him in her heart for the rest of her life.

"Don't test my patience." Cang Yueli became obviously impatient after hearing what Su Zi understood, but she kept still.

Su Zi gritted her teeth, knowing that there was no way to waste it any longer, she finally got up and walked over to Su Ran, who was limp on the ground at Cang Yueli's feet, squatted down beside Su Ran, helped Su Ran's upper body into her arms, and finally He stammered and persuaded: "Miss, if you can agree."

"You..." Su Ran panted and looked at Su Zi.

"Miss, it was not your intention to marry Mr. Ge that day, you were just forced to. During the time you were imprisoned in the mansion by the master, didn't you always wait for the emperor in front of you? It was precisely because of this that the master was able to marry you." I have always been so angry. Now... now you finally meet..." Regarding the reason for Su Ran's imprisonment, the matter between Su Ran and Cang Yueli, and the fact that Su Ran finally compromised and agreed to marry because of Su Ke, Su Hu When I chose Su Zi as a dowry, I mentioned it to Su Zi, so Su Zi basically knew everything about it.Right now, I have come to Fan Wang's mansion, although I don't see much, but Cang Yueli deliberately took Su Ran to the dungeon, tortured Ge Mingqi in front of Su Ran, threatened Su Ran, and asked the doctor to come over to take Su Ran's pulse and wait for a while. In the series of events, it is not difficult to see that Cang Yueli may actually care about Su Ran.So, take advantage of it.


[Thank you very much for your rewards, recommendations and monthly tickets!Later, the big chapter of Cangjing Tianshang is very exciting]

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