"Mayor Lu, it's hard to say!"

Smiling, Lin Xing, who was wearing koala pajamas, pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, showing indescribable helplessness.

Then there was another sigh: "Come on, don't ask anything, hurry up and have a drink with your buddies."

Picking up the beer can, Lin Xing drank it down.

"It's because of Qiao Xin! No one can let you take refuge with me except her."

Lu Yan snorted slightly, and lifted the tab of the beer can in his hand.

He was about to drink, but was snatched away by Lin Xing.

"It's more than refuge! I'm escaping from the rhythm of the end of the world, and you are my Noah's Ark!"

Scratching his hair, Lin Xing picked up the beer he had snatched, gurgling, and pouring it down again.

Look sad.

"You don't know, that girl Qiao Xin is pampered so lawlessly that she's a rascal, a little pervert! After the banquet today, I sent her back to the hotel, but she actually locked the door and pulled Lao Tzu's clothes. Get stripped and play with me!"

Angrily complaining bitterly.

The more Lin Xing spoke, the angrier he became, and his hands became ruthless.

All of a sudden, the empty wine can in his hand was deformed.

Lu Yan, who was sitting on the side, seemed to be listening carefully, but there was no emotion on his face.

After he finished speaking, Lu Yan asked in a deep voice, "Isn't that to your liking? Anyway, you never refuse any woman who comes to your door."

Lin Xing was taken aback.

Then he said angrily: "That must be a woman! Fuck, that girl Qiao Xin, she's just Voldemort!"

"Voldemort? Hey, don't you just like being special!"

"Special?! Lu Yan, why don't you play tricks on me. To be clear, that girl is not my type..."

He stared at Lu Yan.

Lin Xing yelled halfway, and suddenly fell silent.

The beer can that was tightly held in his hand also slipped to the table.

A pair of suddenly bright eyes were staring closely at Lu Yan's collar, staring at the looming tooth marks under the collar.

A meaningful meaning flashed across the pupils.

Lin Xing slapped his thigh violently, and said proudly: "Damn, Lu Yan, you are so proud of yourself recently! What, you were bitten by a dog again?"


The next day.

Bao Jinghan, who always had a good schedule, was uncharacteristically uncharacteristic today. She slept until the sun was up, and then lazily got up from the bed.

After lunch, Bao Jinghan saw that there was no filming arrangement for the afternoon, so he went back to work.

When she was leaning on the beauty couch and flipping through the documents, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Pushing it away, Aze walked in with a stack of documents at a leisurely pace.

"Miss, please sign the investment case in France."

Closing the Chinese book in his hand, Bo Jinghan took the folder and quickly read it.

After confirming that there was no problem, I signed it immediately.

When closing the document, Aze magically took out a palm-sized box and handed it over.

"Miss, Mr. Bo asked me to give this to you."

"What is it?"

After receiving the box, Bao Jinghan opened it for a look, then threw it back on the coffee table.

Obviously, she is not interested in these jewels.

"Miss, Mr. Bo...he may have been a bit tough yesterday, but he was also worried about you. He was waiting for you to come back last night. At twelve o'clock, he even planned to send his people to find you! You You shouldn't contradict him like that, after all..."

"Aze, that's enough!"

Interrupting him, Bao Jinghan took off his glasses and rubbed between his brows.

Then he changed the topic: "Did you get the information of those people I asked you to check yesterday?"

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