A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 1038 Ask for an engagement, 3 joys at the door [7]

The look of extreme joy suddenly flashed and became complicated.

Bo Lao held the phone, his hands froze in mid-air.

But his gaze was directed at Bao Jinghan.

Slightly startled, the old fox immediately withdrew the expression he showed in his defenseless state.

With the same loving eyes as before, he looked at the little fox he had cultivated with his own hands.

Smiling, put down the phone.

Bo Lao sat upright and pushed Bao Jinghan's hand away without leaving any traces. His calm and peaceful eyes were mixed with a bit of sharpness, which gave people an illusion, as if everything they saw just now was just an illusion.

"Girl... What you said just now is just a cover, right? You are not recuperating in the villa of Linhu Villa, but the purpose of choosing to come back to live is to investigate the secret door, huh?"

Do not know why.

Bo Lao felt powerless.

He took precautions and carefully asked Bao Jinghan to avoid all matters related to the secret door, but he still couldn't let her escape.

Could it be that this is really predetermined? !

"No, what I said before is true. I like Lu Yan, and I really do. Although I don't know when it started, it's just like what you said, Grandpa. Feelings start very quickly. It's amazing, unconsciously, it sprouted in my heart. I haven't had any emotional experience, but I'm sure, I like his embrace, and I rely on the sense of security he gives me... Even, by his side, I almost Just let go of all vigilance and have no grievances!"

For those who have been specially trained, they will be vigilant at all times.

Even in a deep sleep state, he would suddenly wake up suddenly because of the appearance of others.

Only those who reassure them, trust them, and have a particularly familiar aura about them, can they sleep peacefully without any grievances.

And Bao Jinghan is also one of them.


Folding his hands, Bo Lao leaned slightly, and Fu leaned back into the leather chair.

The gray eyebrows were slightly raised, and a touch of joy blended into the majestic but kind face.

But soon, that joy disappeared.

Instead, it was a rare chill!

Old Man Bo didn't miss any changes in Bo Jinghan's eyes, but this child seemed to be undisguised, staring at him for a moment as if confronting him.

It's just that the look in his eyes is too cold, making it hard to guess: "I asked you to understand the inner core of the Bo family every time, but you refused. But now, why do you want to investigate the secret door?"

As early as when she asked the exit.

In addition to being shocked, Mr. Bo was more surprised.

Because her question was too sudden and too straightforward.

But in connection with her experience during this period, another idea inevitably came up.

Will it be...

Could it be related to this kidnapping incident?

"Grandpa, you have never let me get in touch with any affairs related to the secret door. I understand that you want me to never wade into the muddy water of the secret door. So grandpa, please believe that I did not want to investigate the secret door. The meaning of the door, and I don't want to step into the muddy water. But if someone wants to drag me into the water-"

Bao Jinghan leaned lazily on the chair.

She tried her best to relax, crossed her legs casually, and looked at Bo Lao with complicated expression.

Smile sweetly.

His eyebrows are shining brightly.

Hands and gestures, soft and elegant.

But that determination has long been revealed: "Grandpa, I want to know whether it is an enemy or a friend who dragged me into the water. So please tell me whether the Bo family has anything to do with the p organization!"

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