"For the sake of property, I shouldn't have done that to you! I still remember that before Aunt Qingqing's funeral was over, he picked up those little sluts Liu Mengru and Ye Jiaojiao to come in!"

Speaking of that incident, it can be regarded as a joke in their circle.

Many people said that Ye Tengda was cold-blooded and ruthless.

But because Ye Tengda's officialdom became bigger and bigger, no one dared to mention this matter gradually.

"He married my mother for the property of the Bo family. Unfortunately, he didn't expect that my grandfather would be so ruthless and cut off his only family relationship. Now that I think about it, he was so good to my mother at the beginning, maybe it was just a play He bet again, betting on a father's love for his children..."

Take a breath.

Bao Jinghan poured himself another glass of wine.

The eyes looking into the distance are slightly confused, with a touch of gloom.

"But until the day my mother died, my grandfather didn't show up. So, he started to be unscrupulous, and took home the mistress who was raised outside, and brought back the illegitimate daughter, and shamelessly declared that he would Treat her like your own daughter! Chi—hypocrite!"

Yun Chunxi was taken aback.

The sexy lips are slightly opened into an "o" shape.

The next second, she sat up in shock: "Fuck, you mean, Ye Jiaojiao is Ye Tengda's illegitimate daughter? Not a fool!"

"Well, I heard it by accident when I was young. I think Ye Jiaojiao should know it too. That's why she targeted me so much back then. Whether it was men, clothes, or things, she would grab me. Look generous, be humble!"

She could never forget Ye Jiaojiao's vicious eyes when she pushed her down the stairs when she was a child.

I can't forget Ye Jiaojiao's innocent but proud face when she cried and went to Ye Tengda for help.

"Hmph, that little hen will kill her sooner or later!"

Hearing the humming of his best friend, Bao Jinghan couldn't help but smile.

Then spread his hands: "Okay, now I've confessed everything I should say, what else do you want to ask?"

"Ye Jiaojiao is older than you, if Ye Tengda really gave birth, then Aunt Qingqing is a complete victim..."

Touching the table with his fingertips, the thoughtful Yun Chunxi suddenly raised his head: "If you expose yourself completely, you won't be afraid that Ye Tengda will be on guard? After all, he already knows your identity, so he—"

"Don't be afraid. Ye Tengda won't say it, and Liu Mengru and the others don't know my mother's life experience. Of course, if Ye Tengda has the courage to shake it all out. Then, he must make sufficient psychological preparations to let everyone We all know his hypocrisy!"

Bao Jinghan spoke calmly, with a firm tone.

The purpose of her hinting her identity to Ye Tengda, besides wanting to give him a blow and make him watch out for his mouth, there is another reason...

"Jinghan, what are you going to do next?"

Chunxi suddenly spoke, interrupting her thoughts.

"What can I do? Clean them up one by one!"

A meaningful smile twitched at the corner of his mouth.

Bao Jinghan's coquettish and graceful eyes returned to their former look, with a slight sly gleam.

"Who is your first target? Let me guess, Ye Jiaojiao? Liu Mengru? Or... Ye Tengda!"

Shaking his head, Bao Jinghan vetoed his buddies' guesses one by one, and just smiled inscrutablely.

Staring at his best friend for a while, he slightly parted his red lips, and resolutely pronounced the name—"Jiang, Zhen, Fu!"

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