A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 1147 The taste of love, sweetness [15]

She was almost together with Lu Yan, and her heart was trembling and her bones were crisp during her beautiful panting.

Even breathing was a little short.

Looking into each other's eyes, Lu Yan looked at the warm and fragrant little girl in her arms, staring at her blushing cheeks, as if a flame had been lit in her heart.

If he stays in this ghostly place for a while longer, he can't guarantee whether he can restrain himself.


"Let's go!"

"Get out!"

The two spoke almost at the same time.

The proposal is quite tacit.


Passing through the woods, which is definitely a good place for a tryst, Lu Yan hugged Bao Jinghan and approached a small open square, and put her down.

Bao Jinghan let out a long sigh of relief, stretched out his hand to touch the temperature of his cheeks, and then lowered his head to adjust the hem of the skirt.

Then, she looked up and looked around.

I found that the area of ​​this small square is not large, but there are many people.

Especially in the middle of the square, a group of gray-haired grandpas and grandma gathered, who seemed to be discussing something.

To the west of the square is the artificial lake.

As the wind blows, the water on the lake is sparkling and rippling, and there is a burst of fresh water vapor, but it is also mixed with a faint fishy smell of aquatic plants.

If it is summer, this should be a good place to take a walk in the shade!

"How about a walk around the lake?"

After admiring the scenery here, Bao Jinghan's hand, which was about to grab Lu Yan's sleeve, froze in mid-air, and immediately wrapped around his arm.And raised his chin, trying to get close to him according to what he wanted.

There is absolutely no possibility for Lu Yan to say 'no' to an invitation from the beauty he likes.

On the contrary, he happily accepted the invitation, let her hold his arms, and led her towards the lake.

The two walked slowly along the lake, talking and laughing.

Gradually, the small fights before and the embarrassing atmosphere in the woods later faded away in this peaceful and far-reaching warmth.

Unknowingly, the two walked around the lake and returned to the small square.

A burst of singing broke the tranquility between the two——

"I only have you without her in my heart, you have to believe that my affection is not fake..."

The sound of music echoed over the square.

The old grandpas and grandmas who got together just now are now in pairs, dancing the slow four steps of getting started under the lights and music.

The music, as well as their dancing postures, couldn't be hooked with the exquisite and elegant dance steps that Bao Jinghan was used to at dance parties.But looking at the pairs of old men with gray hair and out-of-shape bodies, they cooperated tacitly, looked at the wives or husbands' dance partners with tenderness in their eyes, and when they danced together seriously, Bao Jinghan felt that this scene looked extraordinarily warm and lovely.

There is no deliberate dance fighting, no open-mouthed transactions, and there is no need to judge the queen of the dance.

They were just dancing, and they only had in their eyes and hearts the old man and old lady who had accompanied and supported each other for most of their lives. Just that single-minded warmth won all the dances gathered for profit.

Bao Jinghan stood outside the circle, watching silently.

At this moment, Lu Yan's hand was suddenly held in front of her, and he said silently for a few seconds, "Do you want to dance?"

Bao Jinghan froze for a moment, a little surprised: "...here?"

"Please, my lady!"

Without giving Bao Jinghan a chance to refuse, Lu Yan directly grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms.

Along with the music, slowly swaying simple dance steps, whispering: "When we get old, it's okay to be like this?"

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