A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 1161 Uncle and nephew team up to make a plan, Ye Slag buys the murderer [1]

"I see. You watch gemini here, and wake them up when it's dinner time! And..."

Bao Jinghan took two steps forward, seemed to have remembered something, stopped suddenly, and looked back at A Ze.

After a pause, he said in a low voice with a dignified expression: "Please inform Jason for me, saying that the audit team he stayed abroad was invited by me in my own name. I will return to Das City tomorrow and rest for a few days , After reading the relevant information. On Friday afternoon, they will send a representative to attend the weekly summary meeting of Jiang Ru Construction. I will issue an order to check the accounts, and ask him to cooperate with the arrangement. Be sure not to let anyone hear the wind. I'm going to kill them all by surprise!"

Go downstairs step by step.

Bao Jinghan adjusted his mood and approached Mr. Lu's study.

She glanced at the male servant standing at the door of the study, waved her hand to let him lead the others to leave first, and then knocked on the door.

"Grandpa, are you looking for me?"

"Sit down, I have something to tell you."

Pointing to the sofa opposite, Mr. Bo narrowed his loving eyes slightly, and threw a big, round apple over.

Perhaps, it is not very vivid to say it is "lost".

It should be - Smash!

Seeing that the apple seemed to be covered with wind, it rushed straight towards Bao Jinghan's head.

At that speed, if it were a shot put, Bao Jinghan couldn't guarantee whether his head would explode!

"Grandpa grows stronger and stronger."

Sit still.

Bao Jinghan seemed to have experienced it countless times, calmly waiting for the apple to fly to the front door, and reached out to catch it firmly.

With a smile on his face, he leaned into the sofa in a very unprincipled manner, and just lay down lazily.

She yawned a little, took a bite of the apple, and winked mischievously at Old Bo with a playful smile: "Granddaughter thank you! Hmm...it's pretty sweet."

"No way! Are you boneless? Hurry up and sit up straight for me!"

Seeing Bo Lao's long face, Bao Jinghan was not afraid, he yawned and said, "Grandpa, there is no outsider here, just let me indulge for a while! You don't know, the group of old officials and elders you raised , How damaging. They pampered their young masters and grandsons one by one, infringing on the interests of the company. Let me deal with them, they are so embarrassed to cry and beg their fathers and masters, and then the gang of old courtiers, one by one I came here, threatened and intimidated, and finally used you to suppress me. It seems that those second-generation ancestors of their family are my living ancestors in front of me. I have to confess, hold, Something went wrong, and I want to clean up the mess for them!"

The more you talk, the more angry you get.

Bao Jinghan snorted coldly, and took a hard bite of the apple with disdain.


The sound is particularly crisp.

As if what she was biting was not an apple, but someone's neck she was thinking about.

"I've heard about this matter. I stopped you before and didn't let you deal with it because they didn't make a big enough mess. This time...you let go and clean them up, and grandpa will take care of it for you if something goes wrong."

Bo Lao swears, looking at his granddaughter's soft but slightly tired eyes, his eyes soften a little.

I knew in my heart that those old guys in the headquarters were not easy to deal with.

And because the Bo family had no heirs, they put their calculations in that position.

But later, Bao Jinghan's appearance made all their calculations come to nothing.

Therefore, they tried their best to embarrass her!

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