A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 1179 Divorce agreement, father Ye Zha begged on his knees [4]

"Okay, little ancestor, stop talking."

Steak strips in tomato sauce, thanks to her being able to figure it out!

Blood Eagle knew that this little girl must obey her words, so she hurriedly made a begging gesture to stop her words.

Stretching out his hand, he handed the two document bags that were casually held in his hands to Bao Jinghan: "Take it, the new information."


After taking the document bag, Bao Jinghan took a look at the seal of the bag.

There is no specific wax stamp, it should be an ordinary document.

But now that Aze is not around, no one will screen the documents for her.

Opening the bag casually, Bao Jinghan took out a stack of thick documents inside, sat on the sofa in the living room, and read them intently.

Blood Eagle had nothing else to do, so he tilted his buttocks and sat down on the sofa opposite her, with his hands behind his head as a pillow.

He stared at Bao Jinghan for a while, trying hard to recall what Aze would usually do.

But after thinking about it, he suddenly realized that he basically doesn't know what A Ze knows.

And Bao Jinghan didn't even ask for anything special, so he just blatantly slacked off and fell asleep compared to his eyes.

But not long after he closed his eyes, someone approached and whispered in his ear for a while.

Hearing the words from the servant, Blood Eagle slowly frowned his handsome eyebrows.

After he finished speaking, Xue Ying didn't express his position, but called out in a low voice, Bao Jinghan was in a trance while reading the document.

"Miss, the housekeeper of the Ye family is here."

"Housekeeper? Uncle Liao?!"

Bao Jinghan, who buried his head in the pile of documents, finally raised his head.

She glanced at Xue Ying with some puzzlement, then turned her gaze to look at the male servant standing behind him, and slightly raised her hand to him: "Go, invite someone in."


Not long after, the servant ushered in a neatly dressed middle-aged man.

"Miss, this is the gentleman..."

"I see, go and do your work!"

With a polite nod and a smile, Bao Jinghan dismissed the servants around him, leaving only Blood Eagle, who was regarded as old Bo's confidant, to accompany her to meet the guests.

Seeing that Uncle Liao was still standing, Bo Jinghan also stood up, and gestured to the side sofa, "Uncle Liao, please sit down!"

"Miss Jinghan..."

This title is not the 'Second Miss' that she hates, but it is not the 'Eldest Miss' either.It can be seen that in Uncle Liao's heart, he is still towards the Ye family, but the Ye family he cares about does not include Ye Jiaojiao and Liu Mengru!

"Uncle Liao, I prefer to get straight to the point."

Looking at his slightly thinner figure than the last time we met, Bao Jinghan also knew in his heart that the current Ye family is estimated to be quite chaotic, and he would not be too comfortable living in it.

And this kind of chaos and commotion was exactly what Bao Jinghan wanted.

Looking at the man in front of him who was still kind and kind, making people feel comfortable looking at him, Bao Jinghan suddenly turned away the softness in his eyes, and continued to ask: "I wonder why Uncle Liao came to the door today?"

"Yes... it is this."

Uncle Liao took out an exquisite satin gift box from his handbag.

Seeing Bao Jinghan and the others looking at them, he slowly opened the box and said, "Miss Jinghan, this Mr. Ye ordered me to send it here. He said that he accidentally learned from Mr. Bo that you like collecting antiques, so he told you that you like to collect antiques." I have carefully selected these gadgets for you. I hope you like them! I also hope...you can understand his painstaking efforts!"

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