A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 1224 Fighting for fate with the sky, it is better to ask yourself [9]

For the subtlety, Bao Jinghan deliberately paused.

Ye Tengda, who was still furious a second ago, subconsciously paused.

The breath seemed to be stuck in the throat, and Bao Jinghan's words hung in mid-air, he couldn't get up and down, and was choking uncomfortably.

And Bao Jinghan walked up to his side, and the moment she passed him, she paused slightly, turned her cheek slightly, and said in a low and contemptuous tone, "I heard that the crime of covering up is not light! What's more...you still connive at the murder, which is equivalent to an accomplice. I don't know how long you will be sentenced for this crime. Ye Tengda, you have been in the police station for so many years, why don't you guess for yourself, convict yourself, and save time Rat! Heh."

In the end, the light, almost inaudible ridicule was like a poisoned steel needle, stabbing hard at the bottom of Ye Tengda's heart.

The venom diffused, invading every capillary in the heart.


But he couldn't direct his hands and feet to do anything at this moment.

Standing stiffly, with a stiff back, he proved his indomitable spirit of not pleading guilty.

But those eyes, which were reddened by blood and stared round, were full of his unwillingness...

After meeting Ye Tengda and leaving, Bao Jinghan didn't go to the interrogation room next to the monitoring room, but walked to the end of the corridor, in an unremarkable small room on the right.

This is a utility room.

Of course, just over ten minutes ago.

Originally in the interrogation room, Liu Mengru, who was planning to resist to the end softly with the criminal police, had her eyes tied and her mouth sealed. When Ye Tengda went to answer the phone and was not in the corridor, she was taken directly from the interrogation room. I took it to the utility room and reduced the air-conditioning in the utility room to the lowest point.

From a psychological point of view, cold will weaken people's psychological defenses, while darkness will give people endless fear.

This is how Liu Mengru is at the moment.

She was pushed into this dark, cold room with no light at all.

The room was filled with an indescribable musty smell, like a gloomy old house!

This is a very scary psychological suggestion, even if she is desperately trying to calm herself down, keep herself sane, and don't panic.But all these seemed to be in vain, no matter how much she calmed herself down, the sound of her heart beating to the point of collapsing always made her inexplicably panic, and she wanted to scream in panic——

This, where is this?

Since she came in, she was pushed and shoved, and Liu Mengru, who was sitting on a stool that seemed to be unable to maintain stability, had already tried to ask many times.

But I don't know if the person who sent her in did it on purpose, or if he was born dumb and couldn't bear to respond to her even a syllable.

And since she sat down, the surroundings seemed to have fallen into a dark silence.

It felt... like lying in a coffin!

She was disturbed and tried to move.

But as long as her hands and feet moved, it was as if something hard had poked her.

Later, it seemed that there was something soft that brushed past her fingertips and touched her cheek again.

She was so frightened that she immediately sat up straight, even her back was straight.

But at this moment, there was another crash from the police station behind him.

That kind of sound is especially like the movement of the prisoner dragging heavy iron shackles and handshackles when he is going to die in the movie.

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