A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 1227 Fighting for fate with the sky, it is better to ask yourself [12]

"Boss, can this work?"

The slender criminal policeman nestled in front of the surveillance platform quietly broke out in a cold sweat with his elbow, and was secretly looking in Lu Yan's direction, looking up and down at Lu Yan, who was thinking of something Interpol.

This poke made Detective Wang tremble unconsciously.


Judging from the situation in the surveillance video, Liu Mengru is currently in a very bad condition.

Detective Wang at the side shook his finger at him.

Immediately, he turned his eyes to look at Lu Yan who was on the sofa chair on the other side, slightly pursed his mouth and gave the skinny policeman a tacit look, and comforted him in a deep voice: "Don't panic, wait a little longer!"

Wait? !

The skinny policeman had an expression of seeing a monster.

But when he looked at Lu Yan following Detective Wang's eyes, he felt a strange feeling in his heart.

But before he could catch that strange feeling, he heard a hysterical scream coming from the surveillance video.


The cry was sharp and mournful.

It yelled louder and louder, as if it had been subjected to some extremely terrifying punishment!

Shocked, the slender policeman was startled by the yell and almost fell off his chair.


After finishing speaking, Detective Wang turned to look at Lu Yan.

"No, it's not enough!"

The cold words almost trembled from the depths of his throat.

Lu Yan's gaze never left the monitoring screen, but the command-like words were addressed to Detective Wang: "Go ahead, she still has another move."

continue? !

Detective Wang turned his head to look at Lu Yan for a while, touched the fine beads of sweat on his forehead, then turned back to look at the monitoring screen.But for some reason, when he was in the same room with Lu Yan and his eyes fell on the same spot, his heart seemed to jump out of his chest, as if there would be a deterrent force out of thin air that he could not control. And the sense of oppression that made him shudder.

Girl, you're so worthless!

After calming down, Detective Wang wiped the coldness from his forehead again, and continued to stare at the monitoring screen intently.

On the screen, in the utility room—

Throwing away the small speaker in his hand, Bao Jinghan suddenly reached out and grabbed Liu Mengru's hair, and lifted her head violently, forcing her to look directly at him.

The tone is cold and distant.

"Liu Mengru, look at me and tell me who I am!"

ps: Lone Xiao came back late today, and there is still a bit of text, and I am not satisfied after deleting it several times, so I will start with a more satisfactory chapter.Tomorrow Wanchang will make up for you guys, let’s touch it~~~

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