A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 1249 Fighting for fate with the sky, it is better to ask yourself [34]

It didn't take long to put down the phone.

Before Bao Jinghan had time to leave the room, he listened to the phone on the workbench, and it vibrated again.

Turning back, Bao Jinghan thought it was Blood Eagle's call, and was about to hang up directly, but when he looked down and saw the photo on the screen, he couldn't help frowning.

"Hello, Chunxi?"

When answering the phone, Bao Jinghan was still a little puzzled.

But when she heard a suppressed cry coming from the phone, her whole heart seemed to be pulled: "Yun Chunxi, what's wrong with you!"

"He's gone...Jing Han, he's gone!"

"Who's gone?"

Depressed sobbing, the listener feels bored and uncomfortable.

After knowing each other for so many years, Bo Jinghan has almost never seen Yun Chunxi cry.The only few times seemed to be related to that man.

Bao Jinghan, who had just finished asking back, immediately responded, and hurriedly asked, "Where are you? A villa in the suburbs? Or..."

"Jing Han, Ji Fan is gone. His injury hasn't healed yet. He was just out of danger a few days ago. He...he... Do you think he was taken away by someone sent by my mother again? Jing Han, Jing Han, can you help me find him? I have no one to turn to, and the only one who can help me is you, only you, Jing Han!"

Yun Chunxi's voice gradually became hurried.

From the initial speculation to the subsequent guess, her voice gradually added a small tremolo, and she became more and more disturbed.

And her panic also caused a lump in Bao Jinghan's heart.

"Chunxi, don't worry, just calm down first."

Rubbing her throbbing temples, Bao Jinghan took a deep breath without leaving a trace, and looked out the window in a blink of an eye across the desk.

Ji Fan's figure was still standing downstairs.

The servants in the manor had already started a new day of work, and a flower pruner was passing by him with huge flower shears.

Perhaps it was because of his good appearance, when several maids hurried past, they still slowed down and looked in his direction a few times.

This guy... is still an eye-catching stone!

"Calm down? How do you tell me to calm down! Jing Han, think about it, if it was Lu Yan, if he suddenly disappeared, what would happen to you!"

Yun Chunxi suddenly raised her voice, but soon she realized that she had said the wrong thing and lost her composure.

Hearing that there was no movement from Bao Jinghan, she immediately slowed down her tone, suppressed her voice, and said with a sob: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to curse him. I just... I just want you to understand my mood at the moment. Jing Han, I know you don't like Ji Fan, but I love him, love him very much! This feeling is definitely not cheaper than Lu Yan's feeling for you. You don't understand how uncomfortable and scared I am now... ...Jing Han, I'm afraid of losing him, I'm afraid..."

Yun Chunxi of Yujie Faner is showing such a small woman's side at this moment, if people don't understand her world, it will be really shocking.

But Bao Jinghan was different, she knew how this buddy's feelings for Ji Fan were all too well understood.

That kind of persistence, that kind of stubbornness, that kind of madness... was something she had never understood before, but she knew how important this kind of feeling she didn't understand was to Yun Chunxi.

It is precisely because of this——

Only Bao Jinghan would feel wronged for his best friend!

"Do you know when he left? Did he leave you a single word? Chunxi...you saved him, you took care of him in undressed clothes, you were attentive to him, and you even fought against your family for him! "

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