A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 1322 When you are ruthless, you are ruthless, when you kill, you kill, have fun! 【53】

On the way back, Bao Jinghan received a call from Ji Yueze.

It's quite strange to say that every intersection between the two of them seems to be related to some weird things, especially things involving Lu Yan.But this time, Ji Yueze's call was not because of Lu Yan, but... He said something inexplicably, do you have time, have a cup of coffee with me!

That's it.

A strange date brought you up from Ji Yueze.

Bao Jinghan felt weird in his heart, but he didn't know whether it was out of curiosity or because he was Lu Yan's childhood friend, so he agreed.

Counting the time, she asked the bodyguard to go back first, leaving only Aze to accompany her to the agreed place.

Twenty minutes' drive is not too far, but for Bao Jinghan, who is full of worries, it is an excellent time to rest.

She looked out the window, letting herself try to put aside all the thoughts that gave her a headache and let go of her mind.

But I don't know why, the more I think about it, the more I can't let it go.

Those things were like clusters of thorns, clinging to her heart, piercing the soft flesh of her heart one by one with tiny sharp thorns, the pain was excruciating.

"Miss, we're almost there."

Timely reminder.

Aze's voice came from the driver's seat, bringing back her wandering thoughts.

This made Bao Jinghan, who was about to be overwhelmed by his heart and breathless, finally regained his senses.

She turned her head and glanced into the distance, saw the iconic landmark building, sat up straight, and smoothed the skirt on her knees.

"Go around to the underground parking lot over there, find a place to avoid the probe and stop. Also, don't follow me, just wait in the car, I will be back soon."

The rearview mirror reflected Aze's worried eyes.

When Bao Jinghan saw him, he paused for a moment, and added: "Don't worry, it won't take long for a cup of coffee. Besides, Ji Yueze's character and reputation are all there, so there won't be any danger. "

Even if he is not for his own reputation, he still has to be worthy of the skin on his body, the bright epaulettes on his shoulders, and the responsibility borne by that title.

Of course, Bao Jinghan didn't say this to A Ze.

Seeing the car drive into the underground parking lot, Bao Jinghan shook his head and patted his face vigorously to keep himself awake.

After getting off the car, she took a small handbag and sunglasses, and boarded the special elevator that went directly to the coffee shop on the top floor.

Coincidentally, there was no one there at this time.

After a long wait, Bao Jinghan, who occupied the elevator all by himself, arrived at the coffee shop on the top floor, which is also known as Strolling in the Clouds.

"Excuse me, is this Miss Bo?"


The waiter outside the coffee shop nodded slightly to Bao Jinghan, neither humble nor overbearing, with a moderate smile on the corner of his mouth, making her already pretty face extra attractive.

And her eyes didn't stare straight at Bao Jinghan, but narrowed along with the curve of her mouth.

And after receiving Bo Jinghan's response, he changed hands and made a gesture of invitation: "Miss Bo, please follow me, Mr. Ji is waiting for you inside!"

Bao Jinghan nodded slightly, then started to follow her.

Just entering the coffee shop, the warm aroma of coffee seemed to infuse the air-conditioning in the coffee shop with a mellow and intoxicating atmosphere, which made Bao Jinghan's tense emotions loosen a little.

Passing through the open front hall, there is a promenade that is almost suspended in the air.

In the end, we stopped in front of a glass greenhouse with a unique design.

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