A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 1343 When you are ruthless, you are ruthless, when you kill, you kill, have fun! 【74】

The two lines of sight met unexpectedly in the air.

Looking at each other with a gentle smile, Bao Jinghan nodded slightly, then quickly narrowed the soft light in his eyes, and turned his head coldly.


The utility knife she was playing with between her fingers was pushed away by her.

The tip of the knife brushed across the ruffian's chin, and with the side of the knife, it quietly pressed against his chin, and gently raised it: "Say, who gave you such courage, and what benefits did it give you! "

The feeling of the cold utility knife sticking to the flesh is extremely terrifying!

It seemed that as long as he shuddered, the sharp blade would cut off half of his smug chin.

The gangster raised his head in horror, with cloudy tears in his eyes.

Looking at Bao Jinghan very timidly, he said tremblingly: "I...I...I offended you because I didn't have eyes and recognized the wrong person. You don't remember the faults of villains, don't be with me. My knowledge is average. Ms. Bo, no... aunt, ancestor! No one really benefits me. It's my own eyes that don't know Mount Tai. All my mistakes are my fault. Please don't shake your hands. The knife is useful!"

"Don't, don't you have good eyes? You can tell that the utility knife in my hand is very sharp just by looking at it. How can someone who can't see gold and jade recognize the wrong person? If that's the case, I Look, don't want your eyes!"

The gentle arc was raised around the lips, reflecting Bao Jinghan's cold eyes, forming an indescribable and just right subtlety.

She was smiling, but the smile couldn't reach her eyes.

As for the cunning local ruffian, Bao Jinghan's sudden smile frightened him a lot.

His body trembled instinctively, and the sharp blade really opened a hole in his chin.

There was a slight stabbing pain, but it couldn't compare with the piercing pain on the back of the hand.

"Miss Bo, no...Miss Bo, I'm recruiting, I'm recruiting, I'll tell you anything you want!"

But please, she can give him a way out!

The ruffian leader who hit the iron plate really admitted it this time.

He begged in horror, and had close contact with the knife in Bao Jinghan's hand several times in a row, but he didn't cry as much as before. Before this kind of small action, he hurriedly stopped talking.

"Tell everything? Well, answer my question just now. Who instructed you to surround me? What are they going to do to me? What good did they do to you! I counted to three, but I couldn't hear the truth. The knife will fall from your wrist unceremoniously."

With a smile on his face, Bao Jinghan took the knife and stroked his wrist nonchalantly.

The thin back of the blade cut across delicately.

It seems that as long as it is flipped slightly, it will be replaced with a blade immediately, cutting off his wrists!

"Miss Bo, you—"

"Don't you like to be 'offered with both hands'? I'll let you try this wonderful taste. Also, don't look at me with that kind of eyes. Since I can say it, I can do it." And don't worry, I will do it very cleanly, and I will never let anyone know that this matter has something to do with me. What about you? The light responsibility will evaporate from the world, and the most serious will become a useless person, losing the survival of everything."

It is as soft as the voice of an oriole singing at night, melodious and melodious, ethereal as smoke.

It was obviously very pleasant to the ear, but the ups and downs of the voice were like a spell to seduce people's hearts, and the spirit of the local ruffian almost completely collapsed.

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