A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 1357 When you are ruthless, you are ruthless, when you kill, you kill, have fun! 【88】

Watching Miss Su leave.

Bao Jinghan raised his chin towards the master whose eyes were still chasing Su Nuanxia's back.

"Have you seen enough? Careful uncle came out and saw you, stripped you naked, and hung it directly on the highest point of the city landmark, under the scorching sun and under the moonlight, everyone is welcome to visit!"

"Hey, according to what you said, I have seen you many times. Then, Young Master Lu, should I just strip my clothes and cramps, then tie my hands and feet with tendons, and hang me on the Great Wall? Wan Chinese and foreign tourists go?"

Facing Bao Jinghan's teasing, Xue Ying had a thick skin, so he asked back to tease him.

Unexpectedly, Bao Jinghan actually acted like he was thinking seriously.

She frowned slightly and thought for a while.

Then, she solemnly raised her eyes to look at him, and nodded: "It's very possible."

"You woman is too ruthless. Anyway, my brother is also yours. You are really willing to let me entertain people in the city gate building naked!"

"Did I sleep with you? I haven't slept with you, so why not give up!"

Eyebrows slanted, Bao Jinghan snorted softly, and stopped joking with him.

Seeing her solemn expression, Xue Ying also restrained the sinister smile lines on the corners of her mouth, raised her eyebrows and swept her from head to toe, and finally landed on her reddish knee: "What's the matter? You annoyed the old man! I said , you are capable enough. The two masters of the Bo family are doting people in every possible way. Give me what you want, and I feel sorry for you if you want a star to pick a moon for you. You are fine. You can make them angry. Last time, the angry Mr. Bo slapped you in public, how long did it take, and was punished by the old man to kneel again?!"

Girl, you cow!

Blood Eagle put on a particularly adoring face and disgusted Bao Jinghan, and gave her a thumbs up at the same time.

Bao Jinghan gave him a sidelong glance, but said nothing.

He only kicked off the high heels on his feet, and let his feet stand on the carpet in a relaxed manner.

Then, he stretched his ankle again, and said in a low voice: "Back to the topic, Aze should have told you everything about today, right? I have nothing to say, it was my fault, and I should be punished."

"Dare to love, you are still a Bodhisattva!"

"Bodhisattva? I believe in God!"

His eyes calmly swept across the face of the blood eagle, Bao Jinghan coughed softly, and said lightly: "Have you never heard of it? Buddha and demon are just a matter of one thought. I admit my mistake, and there is nothing wrong with letting go." Relationship. Blood Eagle, I have a few things I want you to do, try to be as agile as possible, don’t leave any clues and get caught. That link off. I don't want any of us to be in danger. Understand?!"


Blood Eagle gestured to her.

Then, with his face half upturned, he changed into a comfortable position and leaned back on the sofa.One hand rested lightly on the armrest of the sofa, while the other rested on the back of the sofa following the inclination of the body, maintaining a slight upward posture, looking at her casually: "Tell me, let me do it." What?"

"Go to Aze and ask for all the information he has found so far. Before tomorrow morning, we must find out the second group of people who attacked me at night. Hurry up and find them before Lu Yan and any of them, no matter what. The price, destroy them!"

What Bao Jinghan said surprised Xueying a little.

It wasn't because she didn't choose the more trustworthy Aze to handle it, and she didn't even say hello, so she left the matter to him.

It's because, the second half of her sentence...

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