A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 1402 Love and hate kill each other, the secret meeting of blue and white misty rain [21]

"What do you mean, you have to figure it out yourself."

"The password of the lyrics you gave me is the same as the guidebook in my hand. The name of the song is blue and white porcelain, and the cover of this guidebook is also blue and white porcelain. And the lyrics describe the best celadon porcelain. sunny."

It stands to reason that the more precious something is, the more it will be printed on the bright side in the guide book as a treasure of the exhibition.

However, in this guidebook, Ru Kiln's celadon brushes are printed in an inconspicuous corner.On the contrary, the Yuan Qinghua, which is second in value to it, aspires to the position of Zhenbao.

Is the priority reversed, or is the pearl sunken?

Bao Jinghan frowned slightly in confusion, looking down at the guide book under his fingers, his expression became more serious.

Facing her silence, Chi Jun didn't open his mouth to explain his confusion, but quietly sipped his coffee, staring intently at the familiar beauty's face that was close at hand, visible and touchable.In the quiet eyes, there is a little comfort...

Under the window sills, the warm sunshine lazily makes people intoxicated.

This overlapped with the scene that once appeared in Chi Jun's dream, both real and illusory, and came to mind in a trance.But when he thought of the ending of that dream, Chi Jun's hand slipped, and the cup slipped from his hand and fell on the table.

Brown coffee stains stained the tablecloth, and also stained the shirt on his body, and quickly blurred on the right chest.

Bao Jinghan was startled by this movement, her eyes narrowed unconsciously, and she hurriedly asked with concern.

"Are you okay? Did you get burned!"

"No, I don't lie down much."

Chi Jun reached out to wipe off the splashed coffee stains on his cheeks, and greeted her with a gentle smile: "You wait here for me for a while, I'll go change clothes and be back."

"Go out like this?"

Raising his eyebrows, Bao Jinghan pointed to his face.

Chi Jun grinned knowingly, and suddenly reached out and took away the sunglasses pinned to her neckline, "Although there is no one here, but... this face is indeed too ostentatious, if you meet someone, don't make a fuss Some sensational news? Hehe, who made my sister so famous!"

Winking his eyes mischievously, Chi Jun pushed a few untouched desserts towards Bao Jinghan, and then turned and went out.

But neither he nor Bao Jinghan thought of it.

Even if there is such a thing as sunglasses, it can't hide God's heart of wanting to joke with you.

Or it should be said that fate is a very subtle thing. Once the time comes, even if you lock yourself up, it will still unknowingly come to the door, drill a gap, and also sneak to your side, and kill you. Tightly entangled with fate.

Bo Jinghan is like this, Chi Jun is like this.

They... all of them!

At this moment, Chi Jun, who was in a much more relaxed mood than usual, opened the door, explained a few words to the waiter standing by the door, and then turned and walked deep into the corridor.

But before he could move, he heard a particularly clear, childlike voice that sounded like a silver bell.

The laughter was milky, and I felt sweetness in my heart when I heard it.

"Grandpa Zeng, I want to eat pizza, onion rings, grilled chicken wings, macaroni...and more..."

"Eat so much, be careful to become a little fat man, and be disgusted by your little girlfriend in the future!"

Before the sweet child's voice rolled over, another vigorous low-pitched voice with a smile and doting came in.

No blame.

Just a little bit of a joke, a little bit of ridicule...

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