The wedding fell into dead silence.

In front of the stage, the happy bride in white gauze froze when she heard that name.

She turned her head and looked for the reputation.

His eyes were fixed on the woman who was the focus of everyone's attention, and his fingers trembled as he looked at her beautiful and glamorous face.

The bouquet representing happiness fell to the ground.

Ye Jiaojiao, with a distorted face, turned pale, and slowly opened her mouth wide——

"Jinghan, I'm Haotian! Don't you know me?!" Shang Haotian greedily looked at the person he had missed for a long time, and eagerly reached out to grab her: "I..."

"I don't care what you are!" Raised his hand to open Shang Haotian's salty pig's hand, ththia?

Is it that mysterious oriental model who is popular in the West?

It is rumored that she has the same appearance as her English name, and is as beautiful and mysterious as the "Moon Goddess".

It is rumored that with a beautiful oriental face and her own advantages, she is shining brightly on the stage that the world's models yearn for.

Rumor has it that after a catwalk, she was spotted by the Bo family, and she was elected as the chief queen model and product spokesperson. Since then, she has been raised by the current CEO of the Bo family, Bo Junchen, in thia.


Oh, I forgot to mention that the name on her passport has now been changed to - Bao Jinghan!

Listening to Fiona's defense, he had a shameless debate with Shang Haotian.

Bao Jinghan closed her eyes slightly to hide the deep contempt in her eyes.

Five years, five years is not short, enough to make many memories blurred.But she clearly remembered the oath she made when she left in embarrassment!

All that seems like yesterday...

"Enough, Fiona!"

A very soft voice interrupted Fiona's words.

Opening her eyes, just one look made Fiona sit back in the car honestly.It also drew the attention of everyone present.

Watch this scene.

Shang Haotian felt a little proud in his heart, in his eyes, his Jing Han was still thinking about his old love.No matter what status she is now, she still misses him!

"Jinghan, I knew you would never forget me! How have you been all these years? Why didn't you come back to me? Is it because...Jinghan, forgive me. Protect you. But now that I have the ability, I can do it! Believe me, Ye Jinghan, you believe me—"

Shang Haotian, who was in ecstasy, seemed to be too excited, forgot where he was, and opened his arms and rushed towards her!

Everyone gasped.

No one expected that the great son of the merchant would make such a move.

And Ye Jiaojiao in front of the ceremony stage was trembling with anger because of Shang Haotian's actions.

Seeing that she was about to hug her, she really couldn't maintain the bride's dignity and elegance, so she screamed in panic:


The livid face was a little ferocious.

Ye Jiaojiao pinched her palms, her lips trembling, like an abandoned widow.

Shang Haotian was indifferent.

While Ye Jiaojiao was frightened, she became furious and passed out!

And at this moment, Bao Jinghan suddenly pushed the car door——


Shang Haotian let out a scream, and was knocked to the ground by the sudden opening of the car door as he was unsteady.

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