His cold and deep eyes stared at her.

His gaze went straight into her eyes.

Lu Yan saw through the turbulent mood swings under her indifferent mask, and said decisively: "You are scared!"


The fingers pinching the handbag trembled slightly.

Bao Jinghan quickly let herself relax, and her sensual and seductive eyes shone with intoxicating sparkle along with her suppressed emotions.

Between frowns and smiles, the flattery suddenly arises.

As usual, but brighter and clearer than before!

"Your eyes have betrayed you, Bao Jinghan, I have hit your heart. Maybe this is not all, but it is the biggest purpose of your return to China."

Approaching again, Lu Yan's unscrupulous eyes were so fixed on her indifferent eyes, entangled with her cold and indifferent eyes.

Getting closer and closer.

Bao Jinghan didn't flinch.

Still standing with her head held high, her posture elegantly displayed the arrogance and dignity in her bones.

The tip of his nose was almost touching hers.

The scorching breath blended together again the moment they approached.

"Lu Yan, you—"

Breath sprayed on his lips, Bao Jinghan slightly pursed his lips and closed his mouth, but Lu Yan's voice came again.

"Little wild cat, I said I would tame you!"

Slightly stagnant, Lu Yan's fingertips ran along the corner of Bao Jinghan's forehead, and pinned the broken hair around her ear behind her ear.

Immediately, his voice changed abruptly, and he continued: "In this matter, I hope you calm down, use your extremely smart business mind, and think about it carefully. Treat this as a transaction, and soon You will have the answer in your heart. And I... I will give you enough time to wait for your answer!"

"Hehe, do you want an answer? I can give it to you right now!"

Unwilling to admit defeat, Bao Jinghan squinted his eyes to suppress the emotions in them.

She was a little surprised.

Didn't the information say that Lu Yan is an extremely emotionally clean person?

Didn't it mean that over the years, countless blind date girls have been released, and one attractive marriage bargaining chip after another has been rejected?

Why, for her...

In fact, between Lu Yan and her, there was a marriage contract that neither of them knew before.

According to Mr. Bo, this engagement originated when he was young.

At that time, Mr. Bo had not immigrated with his family, and he and Mr. Lu were buddies who grew up together as children, and their relationship was very close and solid.

They made an agreement with each other to marry each other's children with their fingertips.

He also said that even if the sons and daughters fail, there are still grandchildren.

Unfortunately, the children's generation completely fell through because Bo Jinghan's mother, Bo Qingqing, eloped.

Now, when Mr. Lu knew that his old friend had a granddaughter, he immediately brought up the old story and told the old lady to test the grandson...

In this way, there is this absurd "finger pulp marriage" engagement!

Lu Yan thought of grandma last night, and after getting his answer, she changed from stupefied to ecstatic.

Looking at the little wild cat with its teeth and claws in front of it again, the corners of its mouth curled up unconsciously.

"One week! Bao Jinghan, I bet you that after a week, you will change your current thinking."

Letting her go, Lu Yan reached out and tapped her cheek, and continued: "The way you played with Ye Jiaojiao was very beautiful."


The indifferent eyes gradually became deep.

Bao Jinghan stared at him intently, looking at his thin lips raised again: "Bo Jinghan, no matter who we are, it is not a wise choice to become enemies with each other!"

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