Qiao Shukuang, who walked in, happened to see this scene.

When he turned to close the door, he lowered his eyes slightly to hide the hastily flashing look.

Afterwards, he stepped towards the crowd, pulled away the sofa chair between Qiao Xin and Yun Chunxi, lazily leaned into the sofa, squinted his eyes and turned to ask Yun Chunxi: "What's the matter, smiling so happily? As soon as we entered the door, we heard it!"

"I was chatting about exposing my family's ugliness! As I was talking, I talked about Jing Han. This is the most interesting part, and you are here..."

Yun Chunxi's hearty voice struck Bao Jinghan's heart word by word.

She watched the interaction between her best friend and Qiao Shukuang, and the name that made her best friend cry - Ji Fan unconsciously came to mind.

Instantly throw away the thought.

Bao Jinghan picked up the teacup and took a sip.

Cover up the unnaturalness by drinking tea.

And the moment the teacup left her lips, she smiled and turned her eyes, looked at her buddy and said lightly: "Did I do any great things when I was young? Why don't I remember it? Let's talk about it, let's have fun together!" "

"Hey, you asked me to say this, don't regret it!"

Yun Chunxi seemed to be very high, and winked at her triumphantly.

Afterwards, she deliberately kept things off, cleared her throat like a storyteller, then picked up the empty teacup at hand, and patted it like a gavel.

His bright eyes swept over everyone, and then he broke the news: "That year, Jing Han and I were in high school, and on the first day of school, a pervert in a ragged jacket appeared at the gate of the school. So pervert, the whole body except for that coat A ragged cotton jacket, without any clothes on. As soon as he saw a girl walking by, he opened his clothes abruptly, frightening many little girls, and ran away when they saw him. Unfortunately, they ran into him, covering their faces and screaming Rush into the school..."

"It's a mental illness, exhibitionism."

During the pause, Lin Xing, the only doctor at the meeting, suddenly spoke.

Then he glanced at Bao Jinghan, inquiring curiously.

"Hey, that's right!"

Taking a sip of tea proudly, Yun Chunxi glanced at his silent buddy who was playing with the teacup with lowered eyes.

He opened his mouth, and continued pretending to be mysterious: "Unfortunately, that pervert bumped into my family Jinghan blindly. But I was not there at the time, and I didn't see it with my own eyes. But the various versions that have been circulating in comprehensive schools are the most The statement that is close to the facts is that at that time, Jing Han raised his leg and kicked the man fiercely, threatening, "The thin ones are like bean sprouts, so I have the nerve to take them out and dangle them around, I owe you a kick!""

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, then laughed out loud.

Especially Qiao Xin, who was sticking to Lin Xing's body, pointed at Bao Jinghan who seemed to have nothing to do with her, and laughed endlessly.

"On the first day of enrolling, Jing Han can be said to have become famous instantly, quickly became famous, and became a man of the school..."

Listening to the teasing narration by his best friend, Bao Jinghan seemed to recall the scene at that time, and subconsciously raised the corner of his mouth.

At this time, a warmth approached the ear.

Lu Yan's mellow voice got in: "Little wild cat, it turns out that you have already opened your teeth and claws at such a young age!"

"Why, you want to be kicked too?"

Raising his eyebrows, Bao Jinghan stared at him with a charming smile, and replied with a word of respect.

"Knock Knock-"

A knock on the door broke the laughter in the living room.

Qiao Shukuang narrowed his silently scrutinizing eyes, but there was always an intriguing smile on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes turned to the door strangely.

Casually and lazily responded: "Who is it!"

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