The next morning.

Bao Jinghan, who hadn't slept all night, stretched out his hand to press his temple, and turned off the tablet.

At this time, there was a knock on the door with a familiar rhythm.

"Come in! The door is unlocked..."

Responding wearily, Bao Jinghan sorted out the piles of documents on the workbench, listening to the sound of A Ze's footsteps gradually approaching.

"Miss, you stayed up all night again?!"

"I can't sleep anyway."

Bao Jinghan responded lightly without explaining much.

He changed hands and pushed a stack of reviewed documents in his direction: "I've already processed these, you can take them! Grandpa, I left an electronic backup and sent it to him for instructions." He should reply within two days, I asked him to tell you directly. As for this..."

The fingertips unconsciously drew a circle on the red folder.

Bao Jinghan lowered his eyes, pondered for a moment and said, "This is related to the two series that will be released soon, some details need to be revised, or... I should hand it over to uncle myself!"

"Miss, you haven't had a good night's sleep since you came back to China. How about... Shall I ask the family doctor to come over?"

Aze knew Bao Jinghan's temper, so he couldn't confront her head-on on this kind of issue, he could only try around the corner.

But the anxiety and pity in his eyes came from the bottom of his heart.

Bao Jinghan closed his sore eyes wearily.

It seems that she hasn't had a solid rest since she was in China.Even with sleeping pills, I can only sleep lightly for a few hours.

Oh, only one night.

The night she got drunk in Lu Yan's apartment...

Suddenly returning to his senses, Bao Jinghan seemed startled by his own thoughts, and suddenly opened his eyes.

Tired eyes flickered slightly.

When looking at Aze, he gradually became indifferent.

"No need, whether the doctor comes or not, the result is the same!"

With a wave of his hand, Bao Jinghan supported the armrest of the leather chair and stood up.

Holding that important document, he deliberately yawned as he walked, and comforted Aze and said, "I guess the jet lag hasn't reversed yet! Aze, don't worry about me. What haven't I experienced in the past five years? It's just now. It's just a little insomnia, it's nothing!"

Aze stared at Bao Jinghan with some distress.

He knows better than anyone else how much she has been tempered and stumbled in the five years since she left with Mr. Bo.

But the clearer it is, the more he...

Just as he was thinking, Bao Jinghan's voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

"Aze, where's Jason?"

"Mr. Jason, I went back to the hotel early in the morning!" After a pause, Aze suddenly smiled, and continued: "He left a gift for you, and I put it in the dining room."


Bao Jinghan's eyebrows trembled slightly.

Thinking of the gifts that Lei Jiesen gave her every time, her hairs stood on end.

I don't know what will test her psychological endurance this time!

Holding back her weird eyes, Bao Jinghan ordered lightly: "You should take it up, so that someone who turns around will not be surprised when they open it out of curiosity."

"Yes, Miss."

"Also, give me an espresso, I need to sober up."

After saying that, Bao Jinghan left the direction without looking back, turned around and went up to the third floor, and knocked on the bedroom door of Bo Junchen.

Soon, the door opened.

Bo Junchen stood at the door, as if he had just woken up, and he still hadn't changed his pajamas.

And in the middle of the big bed in the bedroom, there is still a beautiful figure curled up, sleeping extremely peacefully...

ps: I will still add updates today~ Please support and motivation~ Mo Xiao will post a chapter after writing a chapter~

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