"Lu Yan? Where's the messenger!"

"It's Young Master Lu's assistant, and he has already left."

Going to the sofa and sitting down, Bao Jinghan put down the coffee cup, hesitated again and again, and still took the letter from Aze.

Open the envelope and pull out a thin sheet of letter paper.

The vigorous handwriting with iron and silver hooks came into view.

His characters are the same as his characters - majestic and domineering, yet elegant and extravagant!

It said: "Ye Tengda secretly arranged manpower, if you want to make troubles, please do not attend the appointment!"

There was a blank line, and he wrote: "If it is necessary to meet, you can inform him after you decide on the location. Be careful, choose a bustling area, where there are as many people as possible..."

Bao Jinghan looked at the information he sent.

After reading the entire letter, he didn't just tear it up, or throw it away in a ball.

Instead, it folded so slowly.

But the coldness on the lips gave off a layer of treacherous sarcasm, extremely cold!

Looking at the expression on Bao Jinghan's face, Aze faintly felt something was wrong and felt a little uneasy.

"Miss, Young Master Lu..."

"Look at it!"

Bao Jinghan handed the folded letter paper to Aze.

He reached out to pick up the coffee cup and brought it to his lips.

The crimson lips were so lightly attached to the rim of the cup, but she didn't drink for a long time, as if caught in a ball of thoughts, unable to extricate herself.

"Miss, this..."

Aze, who had already prepared for the worst in his heart, still didn't expect that the content of the letter would be like this.

Everyone knows that tiger poison doesn't eat babies, but this guy Ye Tengda actually attracted his daughter's attention, he is even worse than a beast!

"As expected. It's just that I didn't expect that he would lose his composure so quickly!"

Gritting her teeth, Bao Jinghan slightly squeezed the handle of the cup.

But he also had other considerations in his heart, as if begging and said: "Ah Ze, I think I forced him to hand over his mother's dowry and spit out things belonging to the Bo family, which made him anxious. However, this just proved it. A little—that old guy, he may have squandered mother's pretense, and can't afford it!"

Otherwise, he is greedy and unwilling to spit out those things.

After all, no one wants people to take money out of their own pockets!

"Miss, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to..." Bao Jinghan changed hands and handed the coffee cup to Aze: "Pour me another cup of coffee!"


Ace looked at her.

He took the coffee cup mechanically.

His eyes were extremely dignified, concealing some indescribable complexity.

But he didn't say much in the end, and nodded slightly, respecting her meaning and retreating.

Looking at the direction he left, Bao Jinghan picked up the letter again.

I watched it over and over again.

When she put it down, she picked up the phone at hand and dialed a private number of Lu Yan...

At the other end, Lu Yan was sitting at the dining table reading the morning newspaper.

Hearing the phone vibrate, he glanced at the name flashing on the screen.

—Little Wildcat!

The brows slightly raised.

He wasn't surprised, on the contrary, he seemed to expect her to answer.

Put down the newspaper calmly.

answer the phone.

"Hi, I'm Lu Yan."

A deep and mellow voice came to Bao Jinghan's ears from the other end of the phone.


It was as if his breathing had also entered his ears!


Bao Jinghan slapped himself on the face suddenly.

How could she have such a strange feeling?

He must have not woken up!

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