A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

228 What You Said Is Not as Reliable as the Ghost’s

"Bo Jinghan—"

"Think it over, otherwise the next shot may be here..."

He gave Aze a wink.

Loaded, shot fired.

The bullet pierced Ye Tengda's trousers and grazed the hem of his shiny leather shoes.

Aze raised his eyebrows slightly, and raised his wrist slightly.

Point the gun at Ye Tengda's leg.

My heart skipped a beat.

Ye Tengda felt a burst of heat on his legs, and subconsciously wanted to lift his feet.

But the slightly hot gun barrel between his eyebrows pushed hard in his direction again, making him tense up subconsciously.

"You...what do you want!"


Ye Tengda clenched his fists and glared at Bao Jinghan.

Although he had experienced strong winds and waves, it was the first time that Bao Jinghan slowly tortured and humiliated him like this.

A strong fear flashed away from the depths of my heart.

Mixed with unwilling humiliation and anger!

A pair of eyes were bloodshot, like a beast.

It's getting more ferocious!

"Director Ye, don't shake! I'm afraid that if you shake, my hands will shake too. If you are not careful and the gun goes off, your head will explode!"

The charming smile became brighter and more charming.

Bao Jinghan stretched out his hand to support the brim of his hat, half-closed his eyes and said, "You should be very clear about what I want. Besides, my temper is not very good now, and my mood is not very sunny. So you'd better be more sensible, and obediently put aside what I don't like." Spit out everything that belongs to you, what should be spit out—plus... interest!"

What she said has something to say.

The voice is very soft, very low.

But full of momentum!

It gives the illusion of being cold all over.

You fell into the ice cave!

"You, I'll agree to whatever you want! Your mother..."

Subconsciously stopped the voice.

Ye Tengda swallowed, choked on the second half of the humiliation, licked his face and continued: "Aren't you going to take back your mother's dowry? Actually, those should have been left to you, Dad... No, after I go back , try to find them all, and give them to you together! However, those things have been used a lot after all, you have to give me time... I, I swear, I will definitely find everything!"

Change your arrogant attitude.

Ye Tengda changed from a stiff mouth at the beginning to a soft-legged shrimp with soft legs and thick skin.

The original momentum disappeared without a trace under the pressure of the situation in front of him.

Bao Jinghan raised his eyebrows slightly.

He looked at Ye Tengda leisurely.

The gun in his hand was not relaxed, and he was on guard!

"My child...Jing Han..."

In Ye Tengda's heart, it was as if ten thousand cats were scratching non-stop.

He looked at the silent Bao Jinghan uneasily, and looked at her eyes that looked so much like Bo Qingqing, and his unease gushed out.

Calling her tentatively, Ye Tengda, who was frightened by her, quickly continued: "You have to trust me, I swear, I will—"

"You swore to my mother too, and you've said a lot of sweet words, but what's the result?" With a sneer, Bao Jinghan said mockingly: "What you said is not as reliable as what the ghost said! Ye Tengda, you swallowed me I know how many things Mom has. Whether you have the ability to get them back, you and I also know it well!"

"I, I will try my best to get it back! Not only that, I will divorce Liu Mengru! It's all that woman, it's all her who swallowed those things!"

Seeing that Ye Tengda couldn't change it even if he died, he pushed the responsibility on the woman.

Bao Jinghan scoffed coldly...

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