A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 2291 The Closest Person and Betrayal [8]

The atmosphere was not adjusted well, Lin Xing touched his nose embarrassingly, and smiled.

But if Lu Yan was present, he would definitely notice Lin Xing's strangeness immediately.

"Cough, brother Lu, it's like this. I just received a call from my sister-in-law, and she told me to evacuate immediately to monitor her. Otherwise, she said, she won't be polite, and she won't look at your face again, she will Take the people who are watching her directly, let her bodyguards who have not exercised their muscles for a long time, practice their hands."

"What did Jing Han say?"

Hearing this, Lu Yan was surprised, but all kinds of performances of Bao Jinghan just now appeared in his mind.

It's alert.

She was wary of him.

Is it because those who followed her exposed their whereabouts and aroused her suspicion?

"Well, it was my sister-in-law who said it. Besides, I could tell that what she said was not in a tone of discussion, but rather an order to me. If I don't agree, I would let those guys grab it and throw it out." .”

Recalling Bao Jinghan's sudden phone call not long ago, Lin Xing felt a little chill in his heart.I always feel that this is wrong, as if my words and deeds fall into Bao Jinghan's eyes, and she is watching and controlling them clearly.

A thought popped up at this moment, Lin Xing subconsciously called Lu Yan again, and hurriedly said, "Brother Lu, you think sister-in-law knows about our actions, right? If so, I—"

"Don't do anything for now, let me talk to her first. Take it easy, Jing Han is not the kind of person you think, she will understand. Besides, I think the reason why she told you this is probably because of those stalking Her person caught her attention only after her traces were exposed. It's not like you don't know Jing Han's temperament, she hates being watched the most."

For Lu Yan, this may be the best situation.

However, the chances are slim!

Lin Xing also knew that the possibility of things happening according to this conjecture was very small.

It can be said to be negligible.

He didn't dare to say how much he knew Bao Jinghan, but the contact over the past few months had allowed him to more or less get a feel for it.In his eyes, Bao Jinghan is the kind of person who can't tolerate betrayal, especially the betrayal of her relatives, she can't bear it especially.Moreover, her feelings for her relatives are higher than reason.It doesn't matter if you touch her other things, but you must not touch her relatives.

This kind of person is easy to grasp the weakness.

But that weakness is precisely her traitor.

Once it is not handled well, it is likely to become a self-defeating grave.

It's not that he thinks highly of her, but Lin Xing is deeply convinced by her strong side these days.

He believed that as long as she was willing, as long as she did something, even he would probably fall into the scheme of this fox of hers.

So, if it wasn't for the pressure from the top, he really didn't want Lu Yan, who could obviously pick it out, to help.You know, once Lu Yan helps, if Bao Jinghan finds out, it will be tantamount to using her again, betraying her, and may even harm her relatives...

Pursing his lips, Lin Xing hesitated for a few seconds, and finally spoke out the request.

He hoped that Lu Yan could help, argue for him and Bao Jinghan, and get her to agree to keep those people who followed her secretly.Its name is protection.

Lu Yan thought about it for a while, but she didn't refuse.

But then his words made Lu Yan's brows that had just stretched out suddenly twist.

"Yanzi, there is one more thing, you need to help me out. I have received news that the token of the Dark Pavilion is in the hands of my sister-in-law..."


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