"Lin Moxun!"

Standing at the entrance of the hall, Fiona yelled in surprise.

Then, like a gust of wind, he ran towards him briskly: "What wind brought you here? Hey, hey, tell your sisters, have you considered my proposal last time?"

"Hey, fiona, you don't want to dig into the walls of the Bo family again, do you?" With a sidelong glance at her, Bao Jinghan walked slowly into the man, looked at his slightly astringent smiling face, and nodded slightly: "Uncle asked you to come." ?”

Lin Moxun is Bo Junchen's special assistant, equivalent to Aze next to Bo Jinghan.Because I am very delicate, especially my lips are always pursed and slightly upturned, looking very kind.Coupled with his good singing voice, this made Fiona, the gold agent, come up with an idea.

However, Lin Moxun himself has no interest in the entertainment industry.

"Yes, miss!" With a sullen face, Lin Moxun glanced at Bo Jinghan gratefully: "Mr. Bo asked you to go to the lounge to meet him directly. Also, let me give this to you!"

After receiving the file bag from Lin Moxun, Bao Jinghan didn't rush to open it.

"Got it, take me there!" After a pause, she gave Fiona a wink: "I'll go to my uncle's first, and you take the clothes and makeup box to my dressing room. past!"


The sunlight outside the window slanted on the carpet in the corridor.

Bao Jinghan walked unhurriedly, looking slightly sideways from time to time, talking with Lin Moxun.

At this time, a group of people passed her by.

"Miss? Miss Bo!"

Lost for a moment.

"Huh?" Bao Jinghan retracted his gaze without leaving a trace, turned to Lin Moxun, and raised the corners of his mouth.

"Miss, do you know Young Master Lu?" Lin Moxun glanced at the man who was surrounded by everyone, and then looked at her again, his eyes were a little more probing.

Young Master Lu?

Bao Jinghan didn't know him, and because of the backlight, she couldn't even see the man's face clearly.

But she was unconsciously attracted by the man.

Probably... Probably because of the aura on him!

"Who is he?" Bao Jinghan raised his eyebrows slightly, stopped in front of the VIP lounge, and asked back, "Do you have any business contacts with the Bo family?"

"That's not enough, but..."

Before Lin Moxun could explain the mysterious identity of "Young Master Lu", the door of the rest room, which was closed a second ago, was pushed open.

"Jinghan, you're here."

The warm voice is very pleasant.

Bao Jinghan's eyes became warm when they touched the figure.

"Yeah, I came here as soon as I got off the plane." Yawning, Bao Jinghan coquettishly took Bao Junchen's arm and stuck out his tongue: "Look, I'm still jet-lagged!"

Bo Junchen fondled her hair.

"Don't play nice with me! It's not been a day or two since I've been your uncle, how can I not understand you?"

Seeing her lazily lying down, Bo Junchen sat down on the sofa opposite her, took the coffee cup from Lin Moxun, and handed it to her.

"Thank you."

Picking up the coffee cup, he took a sip of the warm latte.

"Almost forgot!"

Bao Jinghan suddenly remembered something, took out the file bag that Lin Moxun gave her before, and opened it.

Several photos fell out of the portfolio.

She recognized the person above at a glance!

"You asked me to check this before." With a warm smile on his face, Bo Junchen played with the ring on his middle finger, but fixed his eyes on her, and slowly lifted his thin lips: "The last one , it's...a gift from me!"

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