A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 2312 Playing Disappeared Fairly

It turned out that it was here!

"Mummy..." Just as Aze was distracted, Xiao Tangtang suddenly called out to Bao Jinghan.Seeing her turn her head, Tangtang stopped her pace, her eyes fixed on the small Chinese-style villa on the hillside.The rosy little mouth opened slightly, as if wanting to laugh or cry, the corners of the mouth twitched, and after a while, he choked out a sentence with an awkward expression: "Mum, this is not a haunted house, is it? Tangtang doesn't like things that float around, so don't be here, it's not fun!"

Ghost... haunted house? !

I don't know if the "ghost" living inside will be pissed to death after hearing this.Or dizzy with laughter.

Looking at the big one and the small one in front of him, the corners of Aze's mouth couldn't help twitching, but his gaze turned to the small villa in the courtyard following his averted eyes.

The whitewashed walls and black tiles, and well-proportioned buildings did not let him fall into the bottom line because of the passage of time.In the eyes of others, or judged by the architect's aesthetic vision, this building is undoubtedly not a work of originality.Just built here, and there is no popularity around, it will look extraordinarily lonely.

Mistaking it for a haunted house...

Hmm, it's really similar.

"Tangtang, this is not a haunted house, this is—" Without explaining in detail, Bao Jinghan suddenly thought of something, and swallowed the words in his throat.His eyebrows and eyes were slightly raised, and he looked down at her in a funny and angry way, holding her hand tightly, as if a little yearning to hide behind her, but because of the so-called "manly" arrogance in his bones, he didn't care at all. The little guy who gave in, stood upright by her side, and asked jokingly, "Are you afraid of ghosts?"

"No, not afraid! Tangtang is a man, not afraid of anything!"

Stretching out her small chest, Tangtang looked at Bao Jinghan stubbornly, her bright black eyes were cool and enticing.But when he turned to look at the small villa, he couldn't help grinding his teeth.If the people present didn't know him too well, they would probably think that he was hungry and wanted to eat the house, right?

The more she looked at Tangtang's appearance, the more Bao Jinghan became more playful, deliberately teasing him.

"Aren't you afraid?"

"Not afraid!"

Without even thinking about it, Tangtang immediately rectified her reputation as a "manly man".

After finishing speaking, he let go of Bao Jinghan's hand, clenched his fists, and said in a serious and serious voice, "TangTang is a man. TangTang will protect Mommy and brother. TangTang is not afraid of anything...TangTang, go, go!" Call the door!"

In the end, it was obvious that he lacked confidence.

But being able to get to this point is considered courageous.

Bao Jinghan lowered his eyes and smiled slightly, and touched Tangtang's little head.Just when I wanted to hold his hand, I felt empty.

I saw that the little guy had already rushed out and ran towards the villa.

But after running all the way to the gate of the villa's outer courtyard, the little guy suddenly realized that he was not tall enough to reach the doorbell at all.

Even if he stood on tiptoe with all his strength, he was still a quarter away.

Xiaotangtang, who had just been stimulated and was humiliated by the doorbell for her height, how could she still live in the fire?

Immediately knocked on the door and shouted loudly: "Open the door, Tangtang is coming, the ghost inside, please open the door quickly! Tangtang is not afraid of you!"


the other side.

According to Bao Jinghan's request, Blood Eagle took the envelope and the necklace that pressed the envelope, and handed them to Mr. Bo.

After reading the letter, the old man laughed instead.

There is doting and helplessness in the eyebrows and eyes, and there is a hint of pride, but there is no anger: "This girl, she can find a fair reason for herself when she is missing, really..."


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