A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 2319 Quan Leng is the careerist [3]

I'm afraid it's more than that, right?

She also got news that Quan Leng had been in frequent contact with Ivan and several old families in the past few days.Those families, apart from the Edwards family controlled by Ivan, are basically some down-and-out nobles.

But apart from these, there is a family that caught Bao Jinghan's attention...

"It seems that this is your base camp! Here, you have become active in both news and contacts. So, do you plan to go back?"

After listening to Bao Jinghan's narration, Mo Ji didn't continue the topic, but instead asked a question with a smile.

Seeing that Bao Jinghan didn't answer, he curled his lips a little bored, and lightly traced with his fingers on the rim of the cup on the table beside him.

For a while, he stared at her thoughtfully, and said in a deep voice, "I have also received the news you have received. It is [-]% more than yours. Not only do I know that he has frequent contact with the people we mentioned before, but also checked When he arrived, he moved most of his family property here in China. And a few days before the Bo family, that is, the day when it was reported that your uncle was admitted to the hospital, he had already entered the hands of the people here, using false identities to disguise himself, Attempt to infiltrate Bo's headquarters. At that time, Li Fusu felt that the man's eyes were not right, so he made an excuse and kicked him off the candidate list!"

"Oh? And this thing?!"

What happened right under the nose was half-way through Li Fusu's hands.She didn't receive any news at all!

"Well, Fusu checked that guy's background afterward, but his way was different from mine, and nothing could be found out. It was also a coincidence that I heard about it accidentally, so I asked someone to check it out, and it turned out to be true. Only when I got to the bottom of that person did I know that it was Quan Leng who did it. However, I couldn't find out why he did what he did. "

Frowning, Mo Ji, who has a particularly unpredictable temperament, when talking about business, especially the business that he is interested in, the calm momentum that penetrates into his bones will come into play at this time.

He rubbed the space between his brows, thought for a while, and then continued: "You should have noticed that the Edwards family didn't give Quan Leng any answer. They didn't seem to like him very much, but they didn't make it clear. Rejecting him, the relationship is very ambiguous. If someone says that Ivan has no interest relationship with him, I will not believe it. As for the other down-and-out families, there is nothing to worry about. They are all a group of rabble. They are almost defeated, even if there are one or two useful ones, if they are mixed with a bunch of trash, they will not be far from trash. However, there is one guy who surprised me!"

"Master, what you're talking about is the one that flourished for a hundred years, once declined, and now there is only one seedling left..."

Bao Jinghan with bright eyes looked at Mo Ji with a smile.

Although this master is out of tune and seems like a hermit who doesn't care about world affairs, his amount of information is outrageous.

Once you are stared at by him, it will be the same as having 36 omnidirectional video and video cameras installed on your body, 360 degrees without dead ends, 24 hours a day, every minute, every second, no matter what you do, it will be on the same day, In another form, presented in front of him.

As for Quan Leng, he was not in this category before.But after today, he will probably be sad in the days to come!

However, as long as he doesn't play tricks behind his back and hurt their interests.She thought, Mo Ji didn't have the time in the United States to torment him.


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