A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 2381 Promise, give you my love

"Hanhan, I really want to have a good talk with you. You should have calmed down these few days, so... just give me a chance, let's talk after eating, shall we?"

Walking behind her, Lu Yan stretched out his hand to support her shoulder, pressed down lightly, restrained her struggle, and didn't let her escape: "Of course, if you don't want to hear it, or if you think the timing is wrong, I can Wait. But there is one thing, you have to listen to me. My withdrawal is not because I want to accommodate you and please you. Last time I had a dispute with you, I did take advantage of your trust. Apologize. After that, I thought about it for a long time, standing in your position, your anger, resentment, complaints... I understand everything. I can't force you to do anything or change anything because of myself. Today Inviting you to come, besides saying goodbye temporarily, I also want you to know—"

He paused.

But that clear air, which made her feel very at ease, enveloped her from behind.

Bao Jinghan couldn't help turning her head and looking at him.

There is a bit of inquiry in the eyes, a bit of dignified, and it seems that there is still a bit of thinking, "Know what?"

"I want you to know that no matter what choice you make, I will stand by your side. You don't need to look back, and you don't need to look for it. I will always be by your side, watching you, and waiting for you. I can't promise you these illusory things in this life, but I can tell you, I can give you my trust, my loyalty...and, my love!"

His eyes are serious.

It can be seen that every word he said is serious and from the heart.

For a moment, Bao Jinghan felt that he was about to lose his strength and wanted to surrender to him.

But that thought flashed, and she immediately suppressed it.

Only the corners of his mouth were raised slightly, and a faint and appropriate smile appeared, "The words are very beautiful, and I am very tempted. However, I plan to punish you and let you stay alone in the empty room recently. By the way, let's see if your actions are as good as yours. What you said is average. Mr. Lu, do you think my decision is okay? "

"of course."

There was a throbbing in his eyes.

Lu Yan could hear the looseness in Bao Jinghan's words, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.And he made it right, he didn't chase after him, and he just responded.

Bao Jinghan would not linger too long on this topic, so she handed Lu Yan her hand and let him stand up.

"Okay, let's eat first! I have to go back after dinner. I can't let Master help me carry gemini all the time. I'm afraid he will take the gemini wrongly for the two little guys. Oh, if you have time, I will go with me later. Jingjing misses you very much."

"What about you? Miss me?"


Want to?

The answer seems to be yes.

During the time of separation, when she looked at the two children, she would think of him involuntarily. When she was working in the middle of the night, as long as she was a little distracted, he would pop up in her mind.

She missed him, and a lot.

Think about their fate, think about their meeting, think about their sweetness or noise... think about their every bit!

Naturally, I also thought of their antagonistic relationship, thinking about where I don't know where they will go, and even thinking about the unpredictable future!

She really thinks a lot about it.

My head is about to explode.

Until one time, Mo Ji woke her up.

Just said one word to her:

——follow your heart!


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