A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 2391 Mysterious behind-the-scenes organization [5]

Turn around with a smile.

Mo Ji looked into Bao Jinghan's eyes and shrugged his shoulders, "The Roshshuyar family has been trying to clean up their crimes for a long time. By the generation of your grandmother, they can be regarded as officially out of the control of the temple. But without the support of the temple , even if Rosh Shuyar is cleansed, he will not be able to climb ashore, and he will decline after two years of cleanliness."

"What did the temple do?"

"What do you think?"

Without answering Bao Jinghan directly, Mo Ji directly threw the question to her again, seeing that she was silent, he went on to talk about those past events: "Your grandma witnessed the decline of the family, and it is precisely because of this that she did not follow in the same footsteps. But she is a very kind person, and with your grandfather's relationship, she doesn't want to get involved in this. And you already know what happened after that. "

She knows?

Oh, she did know.Knowing that grandpa used the power of the White Dao to wash away the ashes of the assassination alliance, which had a strong smell of blood and could not be any more black.Although I don't know the specific operation, I can only imagine what kind of pressure my grandparents were under to carry out step by step.

And in the end, they won.

Since then, the Assassin Alliance disappeared and hid itself.

However, this line of intelligence gathering has been well utilized and maintained.

It's just that she doesn't understand—

"Master, I don't understand. The Dark Pavilion has been cleaned up. It has changed from the killing hand of the temple to the intelligence system and assassination system of Baidao. This should make the people in power of the temple very angry! Why, they didn't respond Let's start with our family?"

Think about it, Rosh Shuyar just washed himself away, and was silently wiped out by the temple.The old man of their family is against the temple, and he has made the assassination alliance that he has worked so hard to become a little gray donkey. Why don't they get mad and give it to his family?

"Hehe, how do you know that they didn't do it? It's not that they didn't do it, but because of the situation at that time, they couldn't do it at all. The three lifelines of the temple, counting your family members, are the fewest. The two families are better than the other. Mao, as soon as there are more people, the internal fighting between these two families will become more intense. They are too busy to take care of themselves, how can they have the time to pay attention to you! When they are over and the curtain is over, your grandfather has already rectified the secret cabinet And not long after, the heir of your family, that is, your mother ran away from marriage, and your grandmother passed away, so this line was suspended..."

Looking at the smile on Mo Ji's lips inquiringly, Bao Jinghan frowned suspiciously.

A pair of dark eyes fixed Mo Ji directly, not even for an instant.

Mo Ji, who was watching, felt a little uneasy, raised his hand into a fist, and coughed lightly against his lips a few times, only then did he call her attention.

I just feel that those eyes seem to see through something, subtle and weird!

"Master", tilting her head slightly, Bao Jinghan smiled very cutely, but Mo Ji subconsciously wanted to divert her mind.It's just that the little fox didn't give him a chance: "Master, please look at me and tell me what role you, or should ask, your Mo family play in this mysterious organization!"

Bao Jinghan's eyes were too fruity.

Mo Ji silently shook his head, seemingly helpless, but his eyes seemed to pamper her: "You want to know?"

"Yes, I want to know—all of it!"


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