A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 2412 Do you like my hospitality?

A touch of coquettish red, like a phantom, appeared outside the door.

I opened my eyes hard and looked carefully, only to realize that it was a woman who walked in.

The skin is finer than snow, bright eyes and white teeth, tall and tall, but the overall feeling is still small and exquisite, she is a beauty who can make people feel protective.Especially her black curly black hair, hanging down her waist, echoed with her slightly swaying fiery red skirt as she moved.

Red and black, two extreme colors.

But on her body, there is a kind of aura called danger, which makes people involuntarily want to be bewitched, very strange!

The sound of footsteps gradually approaching.

Then, a soft sound, like the cry of a yellow oriole, came faintly.It's beautiful, comparable to a lover whispering these love words in the ear, but the words spoken are so cold that it can spread to the limbs and bones in an instant.

"It's just these few people, have you spoken yet?"

"Sorry, little master. These guys are too tight-lipped. We asked them for three rounds, but they still haven't opened their mouths. Look..."

"Hehe, it's good to be strict with your mouth. The more you can control the door on your mouth, the more important it will be to show their importance and prove that they have reliable information we need. But, K, are you being too strict with them? Gentle, huh?"

Playing with the broken hair on her cheeks, Bao Jinghan was a little unaccustomed to the darkness in the room, she just glanced and lowered her head again, but there was no respect in him, the man code-named K, the corners of his mouth slightly hooked He bent that arc, but didn't care about his reaction at the moment, but turned his eyes and gestured to the blood eagle.

With a tacit understanding.

Seeing her raising her hand, Blood Eagle knew what she wanted to do, and immediately did it for her, tapping the switch on the wall.

With a snap, the lights on the ceiling of the cell came on.

The strong light immediately illuminated the room, but because the light came so suddenly and violently, the few people curled up on the ground felt their eyes hurting and closed their eyes. I couldn't help trembling.

Only the leader was grinning his teeth in pain, but his mind was still clear, at least much clearer than his companions.After getting used to the light for a while, he forced himself to open his eyes and glared at the person who tied him up.

Coincidentally, from his point of view, when he raised his head so suddenly, the first person he met was Bao Jinghan——

In the eyes, the woman standing with her hands behind her back was lazily leaning against the cold wall of the cell, looking down at them with slightly lowered eyes, with a faint smile on her face, looking calm.But the moment he touched those eyes, his heart seemed to be completely cooled by someone pouring a bucket of ice water.

Those eyes are extremely beautiful, but also extremely cold.

Cold without the slightest emotion.

Just like her voice, neither rush nor rush, unhurried, leisurely, as if talking about today's weather, "Good evening, everyone! Do you still like my reception?"

This leisurely greeting sounded in the cold and damp prison cell, with the smell of blood still lingering in the air, making people feel chills from the top of their heads to the soles of their feet!


I like you uncle!

Also try being 'entertained' like this and see if you like it!

The man curled up on the ground struggled to free his tightly trapped wrist, and stared at Bao Jinghan's face unwillingly, but only dared to roar a few words in his heart.But soon, the roar in my heart was gone.

He recognized her, "You, you..."


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