"Hmm... But it doesn't seem suitable to talk here, I think we should change places!"

After finishing speaking, Chi Jun directly took Bao Jinghan's hand, glanced at the door behind her, his squinted eyes widened, then raised his eyelids, and nodded slightly to the two men standing on the left and right: "I just know a quiet man Yes, a safe and undisturbed place is the best place to talk about some things. You two, don't you mind moving?" <Responded in agreement.Then, he seemed to think of something, paused and continued: "However, I have an appointment with Miss Bo, and I need to arrange for my subordinates to clean up the place so as not to leave unnecessary hidden dangers. This may take a few days In a few minutes, I think Young Master Chi doesn't mind waiting for us for a while. Of course, it's too dirty here, so please take Miss Bo out for a while. Miss Bo has a shoulder injury. With you here, she might Cooperate with you and let you help her deal with the wound..."

When he heard that Bao Jinghan was injured, Chi Jun didn't care what he had to say later.

The hand holding Bao Jinghan unconsciously tightened a little bit, as if he was afraid that she would run away.

His eyes were sharp and focused, like x-rays, and he just glanced up and down at her.After looking around, I didn't see anything unusual about her, so my eyes fell on the suit jacket she was wearing, which was obviously a men's style.Squinting his eyes, he reached out to take off the clothes, but Bao Jinghan grabbed his hand firmly.

"Okay, brother, I'm afraid of you... It's really just a minor injury. You should have a first-aid kit in your car. Please help me deal with it when you get back in the car!"

Bao Jinghan, who knew he was wrong, really couldn't stand the face in front of him that was similar to himself, showing such urgent concern and a bit of accusation.

She had no choice but to turn into a well-behaved kitten and follow Chi Jun away.

But before leaving, she did not forget to give her a long look, revealing that she was injured, and made it clear that she was adding fire to the terenct.Incidentally, with a meaningful smile, he glanced at Ivan who seemed to be relieved.

As soon as the two brothers and sisters of the Bo family left, the people who followed Chi Jun in the dark and the people brought by Aze also left. <, and twenty or thirty men in black belonging to the temple.

Among the men in black, the one who could be seen as the leader at a glance, after seeing Bao Jinghan and his party leave, knelt down on one knee in front of Terenct, bowed his head and pleaded guilty, "Boss, I surprised you."

Terenct didn't look at him, still standing in front of the door.But that aura has changed. At this moment, he is like a sharp sword standing between the sky and the earth. His tall and straight figure is full of domineering aura.Even if his face is as beautiful as peaches and plums, and even more beautiful than a woman's, it will not lose half a bit of vigor because of this, on the contrary, it will highlight the strength of the edge.

There was indifference between his brows and eyes, and his eyelids drooped slightly.Looking at it casually, but there is an indescribable strength, which faintly surrounds the whole body, making people change their hearts and become afraid when they see it.

"Are you surprised? No, this gift came just right..." A gentle smile spread on his lips, Terenct's eyes slowly swept over the man in black kneeling in front of him, but his eyes were cold: " Do you know where those people came from?"

The man's heart skipped a beat.

Although he was kneeling, his broad back was a little straighter than when he was standing, but his head was slightly lowered, and he replied solemnly: "It's all clear."


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