A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 2459 Seeking Evil Causes, Reaping Evil Results

Well, let's ignore the two behind-the-scenes people who can't spy, and look at the guys they can spy--

The bloody gift was transported to the Rong family.

The Rong family, which was in troubled times, was completely pushed to ruin because of the arrival of such a box of gifts.

Rong Yu didn't know what was in it. Seeing the exquisite packaging, she thought it was her former pillow person who knew what happened to her now, and Tete sent her condolences!

Ever since, her heart was bubbling with beauty, and she proudly opened the heavy gift box in front of everyone in the Rong family.

But when she saw that box of... "people".

Cough, the butterfly-like eldest lady of the Rong family couldn't hold back, she rolled her eyes, she was so gorgeous - fainted!

Seeing this, everyone in the Rong family looked around curiously.

Once again, everything collapsed...

And this kind of disaster is not over yet, just as they are cheering up one after another, let’s not pursue it for the time being, the origin of these things is holding up their minds, and you are discussing with each other, how to deal with these "people" first hour.

The siren is ringing.

Within a few minutes, the Rong family's villa was surrounded, and within a few minutes, the Rong family was taken away again for investigation.

However, in comparison.

Quan Leng's reaction was much calmer than that of the Rong family.

That old-fashioned jackal seemed to have imagined that the people he sent might fail.

However, even so, when he received the gift box, he still turned pale involuntarily.He could figure out everything, but he never thought that those young brats would be so ruthless!

If it is said to be ruthless, it will be killed if it is killed.

They even sent someone to bring these things back. Isn't this obviously a slap in the face? !

His pale old face suddenly turned red again.

Quan Leng only felt that the blood in his whole body was boiling, and his blood pressure soared because of the depression in his heart!

"How is it possible? How is it possible..."

The manpower he has arranged is already tight enough, even if it fails, one or two should come back to report the news, right?But he didn't even receive a single message!This, which part of this is the problem!

Quan cold in his nightgown, no mood to sleep.

He walked back and forth in the small living room of the hotel suite.

Thoughts kept spinning in my heart, but I didn't have a clue at all.

There is only one thought, which keeps echoing in his heart - that girl from the Bo family can't be allowed to continue to grow, once she gets in touch with Terenct, he's afraid that he won't even have the last chance!

Well, never go down on the prisoner!

Thoughts, it's settled.

Quan Leng closed his eyes fiercely, and then opened them slowly.Just like her fist slowly loosening at this moment.

His complexion changed a few times, but he returned to normal.

He picked up his mobile phone, called the special assistant who was resting next door, and whispered: "You, go to that old gentleman now. Tell him, I agree with his request, and I am willing to cooperate with him! As long as he can let me If I get the Bo family, I will do whatever it takes to help him!"


Quan Leng wanted to get rid of Bo Jinghan and his party and then hurry up.

On the other side, Bao Jinghan and the others, why not?

Sitting in Nuoda's sea view hall, everyone was blowing the sea breeze and listening to the waves. In this extremely comfortable and beautiful environment, they hit it off and came up with a series of strategies to get rid of the cold.But in the end, Bao Jinghan got Chi Jun's wishes and didn't want to kill Quan Leng.

This made Chi Jun feel sorry for her even more, but also blamed himself more... But he made up his mind in his heart that he must treat his sister better, better, better in the future.

So that in the near future, Chi Jun will be promoted to super girl controller!


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